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149. löggjafarþing 2018–2019.
Þingskjal 469  —  242. mál.


samgöngu- og sveitarstjórnarráðherra við fyrirspurn frá Jóni Steindóri Valdimarssyni um þýðingu á íslenskum lögum og reglugerðum.

     1.      Hafa íslensk lög og reglugerðir verið þýdd á vegum ráðuneytisins og undirstofnana þess? Ef svo er, er óskað eftir að fram komi á hvaða tungumál var þýtt, hvenær þýðing var birt og hvenær þýðing var síðast uppfærð.
    Eftirfarandi tafla sýnir þau lög, reglugerðir og reglur sem þýdd hafa verið á málefnasviðum ráðuneytisins. Þýðing er í öllum tilvikum á ensku og birt á vefsíðum stofnana ráðuneytisins og að hluta til á vefsíðu ráðuneytisins. Í töflunni má sjá hvenær þýðing var síðast uppfærð.

Þýdd lög, reglugerðir og reglur á málefnasviðum samgöngu- og sveitarstjórnarráðuneytis Þýðing uppfærð
Fjarskipta- og póstmál
Act on the Post and Telecom Administration, No. 69, 24 March 2003. Act no. 62/2012 amending the Electronic Communications Act and the Act on the Post and Telecom Administration (CERT-IS, operating fee etc.). 2012
Postal Services Act No. 19, 18 March 2002 2002
Electronic Communications Act No. 81, 26 March 2003 Act no. 62/2012 amending the Electronic Communications Act and the Act on the Post and Telecom Administration (CERT-IS, operating fee, etc.). 2012
Act on Third-Generation Mobile Telephony, No 8, 15. February 2005 2005
Regulation no. 36/2009 on the Rulings Committee for Electronic Communication and Postal Affairs 2009
Regulation on electronic communications billing no. 526/2011 2011
Regulation on the protection of information in public communications networks, no 1221/2007 2007
Regulation on the functionality of public communications networks, no 1222/2007 2007
Regulation on on protection, functionality, and quality of IP communications services, no 1223/2007 2007
ACT No. 106 of December 27 1999 on the Icelandic Regional Development Institute 2016
Regulation No 347 of May 16 2000 on the Icelandic Regional Development Institute no. 347/2000 2016
Act No. 59/2013 on the Icelandic Transport Authority (ICETRA), administrative institution for transport affairs 2018
Aviation Act No 60/1998, as amended 2018
Ship Survey Act No. 47/2003 2004
Act No 87/2008 on the education and recruitment of teachers and administrators of preschools, compulsory schools and upper secondary schools 2008
Act No. 76/2001 on Crews Serving on Board Icelandic Passenger Ships and Cargo Ships, as amended - STCW 2002
Act No. 33/1991 on the Maritime Safety and Survival Training Centre, as amended 2017
Act No. 30/2007 on crews of Icelandic fishing vessels, coastguard vessels, pleasure boats and other vessels 2015
Act No. 33-1999 on the Maritime Safety and Survival Training Centre - Icelandic 2017
Seamen's Act No. 35/1985, as amended (Articles 1-62) 2007
Maritime Act No No. 34/1985, as amended (Articles 151-157) 2007
Act No. 38 of 27 March 2007 on an Icelandic International Ship Register 2007
Act No 41/2003 on the Maritime Traffic Service, as amended 2005
Act on Maritime Security, No. 50/2004, cf. amendments No. 18/2007 2010
Upper Secondary Education Act-No. 92/2008 2008
Regulation No. 94/2004 on the Operating Procedures of Accredited Bodies Performing Ship Inspection 2004
Regulation No 123/1999 on life boats operated from land 2000
Regulation No 520/2006 on the survey and power rating of main engines in Icelandic ships 2006
Regulation No. 122/2004 on the safety of fishing vessels of 15 metres in length overall and over, as amended 2004
Regulation No. 677/2004 on Load Lines 2004
Regulation No 676-2015 on Education Training and Certification of Seafarers - STCW 2016
Regulation on Watchkeeping Arrangements on Board Icelandic Passenger Ships and Cargo Ships No. 599/2001 2001
Regulation No. 1005/2010 on Pleasure Fishing Vessels 2010
Regulation No. 175 2008 on the certification of deck officers and marine engineers serving 2015
Regulation No. 208/2004 on working time and rest periods of crewmembers serving on board Icelandic fishing vessels 2004
Regulation No. 80/2013 on the Maritime Traffic Service and Vessel Monitoring, as amended in 2015 2015
Regulation No. 524/2008 on the Delimitation of Shipping Routes, Areas to be Avoided and Mandatory Reporting of Ships off the Southwest Coast of Iceland, as amended 2009

     2.      Hafa ráðuneytið og undirstofnanir þess markað stefnu eða hyggjast marka stefnu um þýðingar, m.a. í ljósi þeirrar öru fjölgunar sem hefur orðið á fólki sem býr og starfar á Íslandi en hefur íslensku ekki að móðurmáli?
    Ráðuneytið og stofnanir þess hafa ekki markað stefnu um þýðingar en eins og svar við 1. tölul. fyrirspurnarinnar ber með sér hefur töluverður fjöldi laga og reglugerða verið þýddur. Auk þess er lögð áhersla á að mikilvægar upplýsingar á ensku séu aðgengilegar m.a. um færð og ástand vega á vefsíðu Vegagerðarinnar www.road.is. Þá vinnur Samgöngustofa fræðsluefni um samgönguöryggi og forvarnir á nokkur tungumál.