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X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8:nnur samningsr1ki geta neitaW aW viWurkenna og fulln%gja kv?rWun sem tekin hefur veriW 1 r1ki sem gert hefur fyrirvara af Yeim st%Wum sem fyrirvarinn tekur til, Y;tt Yau hafi ekki sjlf gert fyrirvara, sbr. 2. mgr. 17. gr. NorWurlandaYj;Wirnar, sem t;ku Ytt 1 gerW samningsins, voru 1 h;pi Yeirra Yj;Wa sem t?ldu aW samningsr1ki %ttu aW hafa svigrCm til mats  beiWni meW hliWsj;n af hagsmunum barnsins. Xau hafa Yv1 notf%rt s)r heimild 17. gr. til aW gera fyrirvara og er lagt til aW 0sland fylgi ford%mi Yeirra, enda er YaW 1 samr%mi viW Y grundvallarreglu 1slensks barnar)ttar aW hagsmunir barnsins skuli vera ?Wrum sj;narmiWum %Wri. ++Samkv%mt Haagsamningnum er ekki heimilt aW gera fyrirvara viW Y skyldu samningsr1kja aW hlutast til um aW barni verWi skilaW til l?gm%ts aWila. Hins vegar eru 1 samningnum tilteknar s)rstakar st%Wur sem geta heimilaW synjun, sbr. 2. mgr. 12. gr., 13. gr. og 20. gr. samningsins. Xetta eru einkum st%Wur sem snCa aW hagsmunum barnsins, en m.a. er m%lt fyrir um aW yfirv?ld skuli taka tillit til afst?Wu Yeirra barna sem nW hafa tilskildum aldri og Yroska, sbr. 2. mgr. 13. gr. Haagsamningsins. ++Mj?g mikilv%gt er aW g;W samvinna s) milli r1kja til aW markmiWum samninganna verWi nW. BWir samningarnir gera rW fyrir aW sett verWi  laggirnar m;tt?kustj;rnv?ld til aW greiWa fyrir henni, sbr. 2.!5. gr. Evr;pusamningsins og 6.!11. gr. Haagsamningsins. Samkv%mt l?gum nr. 160/1995 er d;msmlarWuneytiW m;tt?kustj;rnvald h)r  landi og er YaW 1 samr%mi viW tilh?gun annars staWar  NorWurl?ndum. ViWkomandi stj;rnv?ld eiga aW hafa umsj;n meW Yv1 aW Yeim skyldum, sem r1ki hafa tekiW  sig meW fullgildingu samninganna, s) fulln%gt. Auk Yess er Yeim %tlaW aW annast millig?ngu og veita aWstoW. Xau eiga aW taka  m;ti og senda fram erindi samkv%mt samningunum og aWstoWa Y sem leita Crr%Wa  grundvelli Yeirra, m.a. meW Yv1 aW afla nauWsynlegra gagna og upplUsinga. Einnig hafa Yau upplUsingar- og aWstoWarskyldu gagnvart ?Wrum m;tt?kustj;rnv?ldum. BeiWanda er ekki skylt aW leita Crr%Wa fyrir millig?ngu m;tt?kustj;rnvalds. Hann getur snCiW s)r beint til Yess yfirvalds sem er b%rt til aW taka kv?rWun um beiWni hans. Evr;pusamningurinn byggir  Yv1 aW s)rreglur milli r1kja um efni sem fellur undir samninginn geti gengiW framar honum 1 samskiptum r1kjanna, sbr. 19.!20. gr. samningsins. Tilkynningu Yar aW lCtandi skal senda aWalframkv%mdastj;ra Evr;purWsins viW fullgildingu samningsins, sbr. 2. mgr. 20. gr. NorWurlandaYj;Wirnar Yrjr, sem fullgilt hafa samninginn, hafa nUtt Yessa heimild til Yess aW veita norr%num reglum  Yessu sviWi forgang gagnvart samningnum og er lagt til aW svo verWi einnig gert af hlfu 0slands. Haagsamningurinn hefur ekki aW geyma samsvarandi kv%Wi. Skv. 36. gr. hans er samningsr1kjum ekki heimilt aW semja um aWra tilh?gun en hann kveWur  um, nema til aW draga Cr Yeim takm?rkunum sem geta tt viW um afhendingu  barni samkv%mt honum. L1til h%tta er  rekstrum milli samninganna. 0 Yv1 tilviki %tti Haagsamningurinn aW hafa forgang, sbr. 34. og 36. gr. hans og 19.!20. gr. Evr;pusamningsins. ++TaliW er r)tt aW 0sland nUti heimild 1 3. mgr. 26. gr. Haagsamningsins til aW gera fyrirvara viW 2. mgr. Yeirrar greinar um aW r1ki skuli ekki krefja beiWanda um greiWslu kostnaWar vegna meWferWar mlsins. Er r1kiW Yannig ekki skilyrWislaust skuldbundiW til aW#(9%9%FF standa straum af kostnaWi beiWanda, en Y; er ;heimilt skv. 22. gr. samningsins aW krefja beiWanda um tryggingu fyrir greiWslu kostnaWar. Skv. 3. mgr. 5. gr. Evr;pusamningsins er samningsr1ki skuldbundiW til aW krefjast ekki neinnar greiWslu af Yeim sem leggur fram beiWni um viWurkenningu eWa fullnustu kv?rWunar vegna meWferWar mlsins 1 Yv1 r1ki og er ekki h%gt aW gera fyrirvara viW Y skuldbindingu. ++0sland er ekki aWili aW HaagrWstefnunni um alYj;Wlegan einkamlar)tt. 0sland getur engu aW s1Wur gerst aWili aW samningnum, sbr. 38. gr. hans. XaW er skilyrWi fyrir gildist?ku gagnvart einst?kum samningsr1kjum aW Yau lUsi Yv1 yfir aW Yau viWurkenni aWild 0slands. Fylgiskjal I.  y? dddy % ^   y? dddy $ ^  +l2 @@+l2{C oB@@B?'҇ P %EVR:PUSAMNINGUR  #um viWurkenningu og n fullnustu kvarWana varWandi  %forsj barna og  endurheimt forsjr barna. ă AWildarr1ki Evr;purWsins sem undirritaW hafa Yennan samning, sem viWurkenna aW 1 aWildarr1kjum Evr;purWsins skiptir velferW barnsins mestu mli Yegar teknar skulu kvarWanir varWandi forsj Yess, telja aW rWstafanir, sem gerWar eru til aW tryggja aW kvarWanir varWandi forsj barns geti hlotiW almennari viWurkenningu og fullnustu, muni leiWa til aukinnar verndar fyrir velferW barna, telja %skilegt, meW Yetta takmark 1 huga, aW leggja herslu  aW r)ttur foreldra til umgengni s) eWlileg afleiWing forsjrr)ttar, veita athygli vaxandi fj?lda tilvika Yar sem b?rn hafa veriW flutt meW ;l?gm%tum h%tti yfir alYj;Wleg landam%ri og Yeim vandkv%Wum sem eru  aW tryggja fulln%gjandi lausn  Yeim vanda sem sl1k tilvik valda, vilja gera viWeigandi rWstafanir til aW unnt s) aW koma forsj, sem hefur veriW rofin  gerr%Wislegan htt,  aftur,#(9%9%FFԌ eru sannf%rW um aW 1 Yessu skyni s) %skilegt aW gera rWstafanir sem samrUmist mismunandi Y?rfum og mismunandi aWst%Wum og vilja koma  samvinnu milli yfirvalda sinna um l?gfr%Wileg litaefni, hafa orWiW stt um eftirfarandi: C/GN@  )1. gr.MCx /GNۃ 0 samningi Yessum merkir:  I. A. 1. a.(1)(a) i) a) a. 1. 1. 1. 1.(a) i) a)Ҿ :/I1 @Ua.ۃ++barn einstakling af hvaWa Yj;Werni sem er svo framarlega sem hann er yngri en 16 ra og hefur ekki r)tt til aW rWa bCsetu sinni sjlfur samkv%mt l?gum Yess r1kis Yar sem hann er bCsettur eWa r1kisborgari eWa innlendum l?gum Yess r1kis sem beiWni er beint til;+  :/I1 @Kb.ۃ++yfirvald d;mst;l eWa stj;rnvald;+  :/I1 @Uc.ۃ++kv?rWun varWandi forsj kv?rWun yfirvalds aW Yv1 leyti sem hCn varWar um?nnun barnsins sjlfs, Yar meW talinn r)tt til aW rWa bCsetu Yess eWa r)tt til umgengni viW YaW;+  :/I1 @Kd.ۃ++;l?gm%tur brottflutningur brottflutning barns yfir alYj;Wleg landam%ri 1 bga viW kv?rWun varWandi forsj Yess sem hefur veriW tekin og er fullnustuh%f 1 samningsr1ki. :l?gm%tur brottflutningur tekur einnig til:+ ++i.misbrests  Yv1 aW skila barni aftur yfir alYj;Wleg landam%ri er Yv1 t1mabili lUkur er nj;ta mtti umgengnisr)ttar viW YaW eWa Yegar s)rhverri annarri t1mabundinni dv?l lUkur  ?Wru landsv%Wi en Yv1 Yar sem fariW er meW forsj; ++ii.brottflutnings sem er lUstur ;l?gm%tur eftir  1 samr%mi viW 12. gr. #(9%9%FFԌ  (I. HLUTI  #M;tt?kustj;rnv?ld. ă C/GN@  )2. gr.@VCx /GNۃ 1. Hvert samningsr1ki skal tilnefna m;tt?kustj;rnvald til aW framkv%ma Yau st?rf sem samningur Yessi kveWur  um. 2. Sambandsr1kjum og r1kjum sem hafa fleiri en eitt r)ttarkerfi skal vera frjlst aW tilnefna fleiri en eitt m;tt?kustj;rnvald og skulu Yau kveWa valdsviW Yeirra. 3. AWalframkv%mdastj;ra Evr;purWsins skal tilkynnt um allar tilnefningar samkv%mt Yessari grein. C/GN@  )3. gr.XCx /GNۃ 1. M;tt?kustj;rnv?ld samningsr1kjanna skulu hafa samvinnu s1n  milli og stuWla aW samvinnu milli Yar til b%rra yfirvalda 1 r1kjum s1num. Xau skulu bregWast viW svo flj;tt sem nauWsyn krefur. 2. Til Yess aW auWvelda framkv%md Yessa samnings skulu m;tt?kustj;rnv?ld samningsr1kjanna: ++a. tryggja aW beiWnir um upplUsingar fr Yar til b%rum yfirv?ldum, sem varWa lagaatriWi eWa mlsatvik mla sem eru til meWferWar, verWi sendar fram; ++b. lta, samkv%mt beiWni, hvert ?Wru 1 t) upplUsingar um Yau l?g s1n sem varWa forsj barna og allar breytingar  Yeim l?gum; ++c. tilkynna hvert ?Wru um ?ll Yau vandaml sem l1klegt er aW komi upp viW beitingu samningsins og ryWja Cr vegi tlmunum fyrir beitingu hans eftir Yv1 sem unnt er. C/GN@  )4. gr.@]Cx /GNۃ 1. Hver s sem fengiW hefur 1 samningsr1ki kv?rWun varWandi forsj barns og ;skar eftir aW sC kv?rWun verWi viW#(9%9%FFԮurkennd eWa henni fulln%gt 1 ?Wru samningsr1ki getur lagt beiWni Yar aW lCtandi fyrir m;tt?kustj;rnvald 1 hvaWa samningsr1ki sem er. 2. BeiWninni skulu fylgja Yau skj?l sem nefnd eru 1 13. gr. 3. M;tt?kustj;rnvaldiW, sem f%r beiWnina 1 hendur, skal, s) YaW ekki m;tt?kustj;rnvald Yess r1kis sem beiWni er beint til, senda skj?lin beint og n tafar til Yess m;tt?kustj;rnvalds. 4. M;tt?kustj;rnvaldiW, sem f%r beiWnina 1 hendur, getur neitaW aW hafa millig?ngu ef auglj;st er aW skilyrWum Yessa samnings er ekki fulln%gt. 5. M;tt?kustj;rnvaldiW, sem f%r beiWnina 1 hendur, skal skUra beiWandanum tafarlaust fr Yv1 hvernig beiWni hans miWar. C/GN@  )5. gr.&bCx /GNۃ 1. M;tt?kustj;rnvald Yess r1kis, sem beiWni er beint til, skal n tafar gera eWa lta gera allar Y%r rWstafanir sem YaW telur viW eiga, ef nauWsyn krefur meW Yv1 aW hefja mlsmeWferW fyrir Yar til b%rum yfirv?ldum s1num, til Yess aW: ++a. leiWa 1 lj;s hvar barniW er niWurkomiW; ++b. koma 1 veg fyrir, s)rstaklega meW nauWsynlegum brWabirgWarWst?funum, aW hagsmunir barnsins eWa beiWandans b1Wi skaWa; ++c. tryggja viWurkenningu eWa fullnustu kv?rWunarinnar; ++d. tryggja aW barniW verWi afhent beiWandanum ef fullnusta n%r fram aW ganga; ++e. tilkynna yfirvaldinu sem lagWi fram beiWni um Y%r rWstafanir sem hafa veriW gerWar og hvaWa rangur Y%r hafa boriW. 2. Hafi m;tt?kustj;rnvald Yess r1kis,#(9%9%FF sem beiWni er beint til, st%Wu til aW %tla aW barniW s)  landsv%Wi annars samningsr1kis skal YaW senda skj?lin beint ogn tafar til m;tt?kustj;rnvalds Yess r1kis. 3. Hvert samningsr1ki skuldbindur sig til aW krefjast ekki neinnar greiWslu af beiWanda, aW undanskildum kostnaWi viW heimflutning, vegna nokkurra aWgerWa sem m;tt?kustj;rnvald Yess r1kis hefur framkv%mt 1 hans Ygu skv. 1. mgr. Yessarar greinar, Yar meW talinn kostnaWur viW mlsmeWferW og, ef viW , vegna aWstoWar l?gfr%Wings. 4. NC er viWurkenningu eWa fullnustu synjaW en m;tt?kustj;rnvald Yess r1kis, sem beiWni er beint til, telur aW r)tt s) aW verWa viW ;sk beiWandans um mlsmeWferW 1 Yv1 r1ki um efnisatriWi mlsins og skal YaW Y gera YaW sem 1 valdi Yess stendur til aW tryggja aW beiWandinn fi fyrirsvar viW mlsmeWferWina meW ekki ;hagst%Wari skilyrWum en eiga viW um mann sem er bCsettur 1 Yv1 r1ki og r1kisborgari Yess. 0 Yessu skyni getur YaW einkum hafiW mlsmeWferW fyrir Yar til b%rum yfirv?ldum s1num. C/GN@  )6. gr.lCx /GNۃ 1. Komi ekki annaW fram 1 s)rst?kum samningum sem gerWir eru milli hlutaWeigandi m;tt?kustj;rnvalda, eWa leiWir af kv%Wum 3. mgr. Yessarar greinar: ++a. skulu tilkynningar til m;tt?kustj;rnvalds Yess r1kis, sem beiWni er beint til, vera  hinu opinbera tungumli, eWa einu hinna opinberu tungumla, Yess r1kis eWa YUWing  YaW tunguml fylgja; ++b. skal m;tt?kustj;rnvald Yess r1kis, sem beiWni er beint til, eigi aW s1Wur samYykkja aW tilkynningar s)u  ensku eWa fr?nsku eWa aW YUWing  annaW hvort#(9%9%FF Yessara tungumla fylgi. 2. Tilkynningar fr m;tt?kustj;rnvaldi Yess r1kis, sem beiWni er beint til, Yar meW taldar niWurst?Wur kannana sem framkv%mdar hafa veriW, mega vera  hinu opinbera tungumli, eWa  einu hinna opinberu tungumla, Yess r1kis eWa  ensku eWa fr?nsku. 3. Samningsr1ki getur aW ?llu leyti, eWa aW hluta, gert fyrirvara viW kv%Wi b-liWar 1. mgr. Yessarar greinar. Xegar samningsr1ki hefur gert sl1kan fyrirvara getur s)rhvert annaW samningsr1ki einnig beitt honum gagnvart Yv1 r1ki.  (II. HLUTI  ViWurkenning og fullnusta  !kvarWana og endurheimt  %forsjr barna. ă C/GN@  )7. gr.{sCx /GNۃ ViWurkenna skal kv?rWun varWandi forsj sem tekin er 1 samningsr1ki og s) hCn fullnustuh%f 1 upphafsr1kinu skal vera unnt aW fulln%gja henni 1 ?llum ?Wrum samningsr1kjum. C/GN@  )8. gr.tCx /GNۃ 1. S) um ;l?gm%tan brottflutning aW r%Wa skal m;tt?kustj;rnvald 1 Yv1 r1ki, sem beiWni er beint til, Yegar hlutast til um aW gerWar verWi rWstafanir til aW forsj barnsins verWi endurheimt ef: ++a. barniW og foreldrar Yess voru  Yeim t1ma er mlsmeWferWin h;fst 1 Yv1 r1ki Yar sem kv?rWunin var tekin, eWa Yegar hinn ;l?gm%ti brottflutningur tti s)r staW hafi hann tt s)r staW Wur, einungis r1kisborgarar Yess r1kis, og barniW var bCsett  landsv%Wi Yess r1kis og ++b. beiWni um endurheimt var l?gW fyrir m;tt?kustj;rnvald innan sex mnaWa fr Yeim degi er hinn ;l?gm%ti brottflutningur tti s)r staW. 2. Ef ekki er unnt, samkv%mt l?gum# (9%9%FF Yess r1kis sem beiWni er beint til, aW fulln%gja fyrirm%lum 1. mgr. Yessarar greinar nema meW Yv1 aW leita til d;mst;la skulu engar Y%r synjunarst%Wur, sem tilgreindar eru 1 Yessum samningi, eiga viW um mlsmeWferWina fyrir d;mi. 3. Xegar gerWur hefur veriW samningur, sem staWfestur hefur veriW af Yar til b%ru yfirvaldi, milli Yess aWila sem fer meW forsj barnsins og annars aWila um aW heimila hinum s1Warnefnda umgengnisr)tt og barninu, sem fariW hefur veriW meW Cr landi, hefur ekki veriW skilaW 1 lok hins umsamda t1mabils til Yess sem fer meW forsjna skal forsj barnsins komiW  aftur 1 samr%mi viW b-liW 1. mgr. og 2. mgr. Yessarar greinar. HiW sama skal gilda hafi Yar til b%rt yfirvald tekiW kv?rWun sem veitir aWila sem ekki fer meW forsj barnsins Yennan r)tt. C/GN@  )9. gr.l}Cx /GNۃ 1. Er ;l?gm%tur brottflutningur hefur tt s)r staW og beiWni hefur veriW l?gW fram hj m;tt?kustj;rnvaldi innan sex mnaWa fr brottflutningsdegi, en 8. gr.  Y; ekki viW, m aWeins synja um viWurkenningu og fullnustu ef: ++a. kv?rWun hefur veriW tekin aW fjarst?ddum varnaraWila eWa fyrirsvarsmanni hans og varnaraWila var ekki r)ttilega birt skjal YaW sem markaWi upphaf mlsmeWferWar eWa samsvarandi skjal 1 t%ka t1W til aW gera honum kleift aW undirbCa v?rn s1na, en Y; getur synjun um viWurkenningu eWa fullnustu ekki byggst  sl1kum misbresti  birtingu ef henni varW ekki viW komiW vegna Yess aW varnaraWili leyndi dvalarstaW s1num fyrir Yeim sem h;f mlsmeWferWina 1 upphafsr1kinu; ++b. kv?rWun hefur veriW tekin aW fjarst?ddum varnaraWila eWa fyrirsvarsmanni# (9%9%FF hans og valdb%rni Yess yfirvalds, sem t;k kv?rWunina, var ekki byggW : ++i.ll22bCsetu varnaraWila, eWa2 ++ii.ll22s1Wasta staW Yar sem foreldrar barnsins h?fWu sameiginlega bCsetu, enda s) aW minnsta kosti annaW foreldranna enn bCsett  sama staW, eWa2 ++iii.22bCsetu barnsins;2 ++c. kv?rWunin er ;samrUmanleg kv?rWun varWandi forsj sem varW fullnustuh%f 1 Yv1 r1ki, sem beiWni er beint er til, Wur en barniW var flutt  brott, nema barniW hafi veriW bCsett 1 Yv1 r1ki, sem lagWi fram beiWni, 1 eitt r Wur en YaW var flutt  brott. 2. kv%Wi 1. mgr. Yessarar greinar skulu einnig gilda Y;tt ekki hafi veriW l?gW fram beiWni viW m;tt?kustj;rnvald, enda s) ;skaW viWurkenningar eWa fullnustu innan sex mnaWa fr Yeim degi er hinn ;l?gm%ti brottflutningur tti s)r staW. 3. Aldrei m endurskoWa erlendu kv?rWunina aW Yv1 er efni hennar varWar. C/GN  )10. gr.Cx /GNۃ 1. 0 ?Wrum tilvikum en Yeim sem 8. og 9. gr. taka til m eigi aWeins synja um viWurkenningu og fullnustu af Yeim st%Wum sem 1 9. gr. greinir heldur einnig af einhverri eftirtalinna st%Wna: ++a. ef taliW er aW afleiWingar kv?rWunarinnar s)u auglj;slega ;samrUmanlegar grundvallarreglum laga um fj?lskyldur og b?rn 1 Yv1 r1ki sem beiWni er beint til; ++b. ef taliW er vegna breyttra aWst%Wna, Yar meW taliW vegna Yess t1ma sem liWinn er en Y; ekki eing?ngu vegna aWsetursskipta barnsins eftir ;l?gm%tan# (9%9%FF brottflutning, aW afleiWingar hinnar upphaflegu kv?rWunar s)u auglj;slega ekki lengur 1 samr%mi viW YaW sem barninu er fyrir bestu; ++c. ef barniW var  Yeim t1ma er mlsmeWferWin h;fst 1 upphafsr1kinu: ++i.-llr1kisborgari Yess r1kis sem beiWni er beint til eWa bCsett Yar og ekkert sl1kt samband var viW upphafsr1kiW;l ++ii.-llb%Wi r1kisborgari upphafsr1kisins og Yess r1kis, sem beiWni er beint til, og bCsett 1 Yv1 r1ki sem beiWni er beint til;l ++d. ef kv?rWunin er ;samrUmanleg kv?rWun sem tekin hefur veriW 1 Yv1 r1ki sem beiWni er beint til eWa sem er unnt aW fulln%gja 1 Yv1 r1ki eftir aW hCn var tekin 1 YriWja r1kinu, aW aflokinni mlsmeWferW sem h;fst Wur en beiWni um viWurkenningu eWa fullnustu var l?gW fram, enda s) synjunin 1 samr%mi viW YaW sem barninu er fyrir bestu. 2. 0 s?mu tilvikum m fresta mlsmeWferW til viWurkenningar eWa fullnustu af einhverri eftirtalinna st%Wna: ++a. ef endurskoWun upphaflegu kv?rWunarinnar er hafin meW venjulegum h%tti; ++b. ef mlsmeWferW varWandi forsj barnsins, sem h;fst Wur en mlsmeWferWin h;fst 1 upphafsr1kinu, stendur yfir 1 Yv1 r1ki sem beiWni er beint til; ++c. ef ?nnur kv?rWun varWandi forsj barnsins er til fullnustu eWa annarrar meWferWar varWandi viWurkenningu  Yeirri kv?rWun. C/GN  )11. gr.ԒCx /GNۃ 1. kvarWanir um umgengnisr)tt og# (9%9%FF kv%Wi 1 kv?rWunum varWandi forsj sem fjalla um umgengnisr)tt skulu viWurkennd og Yeim fulln%gt meW s?mu skilmlum og gilda um aWrar kvarWanir varWandi forsj. 2. Xar til b%r yfirv?ld 1 Yv1 r1ki, sem beiWni er beint til, geta Y; sett skilyrWi fyrir Yv1 aW umgengni komist  og kveWiW hvernig henni skuli hagaW, s)rstaklega aW teknu tilliti til Yeirra skuldbindinga sem aWilar hafa tekist  hendur um Yetta efni. 3. Hafi ekki veriW tekin kv?rWun um umgengnisr)ttinn eWa hafi viWurkenningu eWa fullnustu  kv?rWuninni varWandi forsj veriW synjaW getur m;tt?kustj;rnvald Yess r1kis, sem beiWni er beint til, leitaW til Yar til b%rra yfirvalda sinna um kv?rWun um umgengnisr)tt ef s sem krefst umgengnisr)ttar ;skar Yess. C/GN  )12. gr.Cx /GNۃ Hafi ekki veriW tekin fullnustuh%f kv?rWun 1 samningsr1ki varWandi forsj barns  Yeim t1ma er YaW var flutt  brott yfir alYj;Wleg landam%ri skulu kv%Wi Yessa samnings gilda um allar s1Wari kvarWanir varWandi forsj Yess sem lUsa brottflutning Yess ;l?gm%tan og teknar eru 1 samningsr1ki aW ;sk einhvers Yess aWila sem hagsmuna hefur aW g%ta. c 'III. HLUTI  &MlsmeWferW. ă   )13. gr. 1. BeiWni um viWurkenningu eWa fullnustu kv?rWunar varWandi forsj 1 ?Wru samningsr1ki skal fylgja: ++a. skjal sem veitir m;tt?kustj;rnvaldi Yess r1kis, sem beiWni er beint til, umboW til aW koma fram fyrir h?nd beiWandans eWa til aW skipa annan fyrirsvarsmann til Yess;# (9%9%FFԌ++b. endurrit kv?rWunarinnar sem fulln%gir nauWsynlegum skilyrWum um trCverWugleika; ++c. skjal sem staWfestir aW varnaraWila hafi r)ttilega veriW birt skjal YaW sem markaWi upphaf mlsmeWferWar eWa samsvarandi skjal, ef kv?rWun hefur veriW tekin aW fjarst?ddum varnaraWila eWa l?glegum fyrirsvarsmanni hans; ++d. ef viW , skjal sem staWfestir aW kv?rWunin s) fullnustuh%f samkv%mt l?gum upphafsr1kisins; ++e. ef unnt er, greinargerW sem gefur til kynna hvar barniW s) niWurkomiW eWa l1klega niWurkomiW 1 Yv1 r1ki sem beiWni er beint til; ++f. till?gur um hvernig endurheimta skuli forsj barnsins. 2. Xeim skj?lum er aW framan greinir skal, Yar sem Y?rf krefur, fylgja YUWing samkv%mt kv%Wum 6. gr. C/GN  )14. gr.=Cx /GNۃ S)rhvert samningsr1ki skal beita einfaldri og hraWri mlsmeWferW til viWurkenningar og fullnustu  kv?rWunum varWandi forsj barns. 0 Yv1 skyni skal YaW tryggja aW beiWni um fullnustu megi leggja fram meW einfaldri ums;kn. C/GN  )15. gr.֡Cx /GNۃ 1. Wur en hlutaWeigandi yfirvald 1 Yv1 r1ki, sem beiWni er beint til, tekur kv?rWun skv. b-liW 1. mgr. 10. gr.: ++a. skal YaW ganga Cr skugga um hver afstaWa barnsins s), nema YaW s) ;raunh%ft s)rstaklega meW hliWsj;n af aldri Yess og Yroska; og ++b. getur YaW ;skaW eftir Yv1 aW allar viWeigandi kannanir verWi gerWar. 2. KostnaWur af k?nnunum 1 samn#(9%9%FFԮingsr1ki skal greiddur af yfirv?ldum Yess r1kis Yar sem Y%r eru gerWar. BeiWni um k?nnun og niWurst?Wur hennar m senda hlutaWeigandi yfirvaldi fyrir millig?ngu m;tt?kustj;rnvalda. C/GN  )16. gr.Cx /GNۃ Ekki m krefjast opinberrar staWfestingar eWa samb%rilegra formsatriWa vegna Yessa samnings. ` (IV. HLUTI F 'Fyrirvarar. ă   )17. gr. 1. Samningsr1ki getur gert fyrirvara Yess efnis aW 1 tilvikum, sem 8. og 9. gr. eWa ?nnur hvor Yeirra greina taka til, megi synja um viWurkenningu og fullnustu kvarWana varWandi forsj af Yeim st%Wum sem 1 10. gr. greinir og sem gera m nnari grein fyrir 1 fyrirvaranum. 2. Synja m um viWurkenningu og fullnustu  kv?rWunum, er teknar hafa veriW 1 samningsr1ki sem gert hefur fyrirvara skv. 1. mgr. Yessarar greinar, 1 s)rhverju ?Wru samningsr1ki af einhverjum Yeim st%Wum sem s fyrirvari tekur til. C/GN  )18. gr.eCx /GNۃ Samningsr1ki getur gert fyrirvara um aW YaW skuli vera ;bundiW af kv%Wum 12. gr. kv%Wi samnings Yessa skulu ekki gilda um kvarWanir skv. 12. gr. sem hafa veriW teknar 1 samningsr1ki sem gert hefur sl1kan fyrirvara.   (V. HLUTI X $AWrir samningar. ă   )19. gr. Samningur Yessi skal ekki koma 1 veg fyrir aW beita megi ?Wrum alYj;Wasamn#(9%9%FFԮingi sem er 1 gildi milli upphafsr1kisins og Yess r1kis sem beiWni er beint til eWa ?Wrum l?gum s1Warnefnda r1kisins, sem ekki eiga r;t s1na aW rekja til alYj;Wlegs samkomulags, til Yess aW n fram viWurkenningu eWa fullnustu kv?rWunar. C/GN  )20. gr.)Cx /GNۃ 1. Samningur Yessi skal ekki hafa hrif  neinar skuldbindingar sem samningsr1ki getur haft gagnvart r1ki, sem ekki er samningsr1ki, samkv%mt alYj;Wasamningi er fjallar um efni sem samningur Yessi tekur til. 2. Hafi tv? eWa fleiri samningsr1ki l?gfest samr%mda l?ggj?f varWandi forsj barna, eWa komiW  s)rstakri tilh?gun  viWurkenningu eWa fullnustu kvarWana  Yessu sviWi, eWa eigi Yau eftir aW gera YaW 1 framt1Winni, er Yeim frjlst aW beita Yeim l?gum eWa Yeirri tilh?gun s1n  milli 1 staW samningsins eWa einhvers hluta hans. Til Yess aW notf%ra s)r Yetta kv%Wi skulu r1kin tilkynna aWalframkv%mdastj;ra Evr;purWsins kv?rWun s1na. Einnig skal tilkynna um s)rhverja breytingu eWa afturk?llun  sl1kri kv?rWun. ` (VI. HLUTI  'Lokakv%Wi. ă   )21. gr. Samningur Yessi skal liggja frammi til undirritunar af hlfu aWildarr1kja Evr;purWsins. Hann er hWur fullgildingu, viWurkenningu eWa staWfestingu. Skj?lum um fullgildingu, viWurkenningu eWa staWfestingu skal koma 1 v?rslu hj aWalframkv%mdastj;ra Evr;purWsins. C/GN  )22. gr.iCx /GNۃ 1. Samningur Yessi ?Wlast gildi fyrsta dag Yess mnaWar sem hefst eftir aW#(9%9%FF liWnir eru Yr1r mnuWir fr Yeim degi er YrjC aWildarr1ki Evr;purWsins hafa lUst yfir samYykki s1nu til aW vera bundin af samningnum 1 samr%mi viW kv%Wi 21. gr. 2. Gagnvart aWildarr1ki, sem lUsir s1War yfir samYykki s1nu til aW verWa bundiW af samningnum, skal hann ?Wlast gildi fyrsta dag Yess mnaWar sem hefst eftir aW liWnir eru Yr1r mnuWir fr Yeim degi er skjali um fullgildingu, viWurkenningu eWa staWfestingu var komiW 1 v?rslu. C/GN  )23. gr.ܶCx /GNۃ 1. Er samningur Yessi hefur ?Wlast gildi getur rWherranefnd Evr;purWsins boWiW r1ki, sem ekki  aWild aW rWinu, aWild aW samningnum. Skal YaW gert meW meirihlutakv?rWun skv. d-liW 20. gr. stofnskrrinnar og meW samhlj;Wa atkv%Wum fulltrCa Yeirra samningsr1kja sem r)tt eiga til setu 1 nefndinni. 2. Gagnvart r1ki, sem Yannig ?Wlast aWild aW samningnum, skal hann ?Wlast gildi fyrsta dag Yess mnaWar sem hefst eftir aW liWnir eru Yr1r mnuWir fr Yeim degi er aWildarskjali var komiW 1 v?rslu hj aWalframkv%mdastj;ra Evr;purWsins. C/GN  )24. gr.^Cx /GNۃ 1. ViW undirritun eWa afhendingu skjals Yess um fullgildingu, viWurkenningu, staWfestingu eWa aWild getur r1ki tilgreint YaW eWa Yau landsv%Wi sem samningur Yessi skal taka til. 2. R1ki getur hven%r sem er s1War, meW yfirlUsingu til aWalframkv%mdastj;ra Evr;purWsins, f%rt gildi samningsins Ct til s)rhvers annars landsv%Wis sem tilgreint er 1 yfirlUsingunni. Samn#(9%9%FFԮingurinn ?Wlast gildi gagnvart sl1ku landsv%Wi fyrsta dag Yess mnaWar sem hefst eftir aW liWnir eru Yr1r mnuWir fr Yeim degi er aWalframkv%mdastj;rinn tekur viW sl1kri yfirlUsingu. 3. YfirlUsingar, sem gefnar eru skv. 1. og 2. mgr., m afturkalla meW tilliti til hvaWa landsv%Wis sem Yar er tilgreint meW tilkynningu til aWalframkv%mdastj;rans. Afturk?llunin ?Wlast gildi fyrsta dag Yess mnaWar sem hefst eftir aW liWnir eru sex mnuWir fr Yeim degi er aWalframkv%mdastj;rinn tekur viW sl1kri tilkynningu. C/GN  )25. gr.¿Cx /GNۃ 1. R1ki, sem skiptist 1 tvo eWa fleiri landshluta Yar sem mismunandi r)ttarkerfi gilda um forsj barna og um viWurkenningu og fullnustu kvarWana varWandi forsj, getur, viW undirritun eWa afhendingu skjals Yess um fullgildingu, viWurkenningu, staWfestingu eWa aWild, lUst Yv1 yfir aW samningur Yessi skuli taka til allra landshluta Yess eWa eins eWa fleiri Yeirra. 2. R1ki, sem Yetta  viW um, getur hven%r sem er s1War, meW yfirlUsingu til aWalframkv%mdastj;ra Evr;purWsins, f%rt gildi samningsins Ct til s)rhvers annars landshluta sem tilgreindur er 1 yfirlUsingunni. Samningurinn ?Wlast gildi gagnvart sl1kum landshluta fyrsta dag Yess mnaWar sem hefst eftir aW liWnir eru Yr1r mnuWir fr Yeim degi er aWalframkv%mdastj;rinn tekur viW sl1kri yfirlUsingu. 3. YfirlUsingar, sem gefnar eru skv. 1. og 2. mgr., m afturkalla meW tilliti til hvaWa landshluta sem Yar er tilgreindur meW tilkynningu til aWalframkv%mdastj;rans. Afturk?llunin ?Wlast gildi fyrsta#(9%9%FF dag Yess mnaWar sem hefst eftir aW liWnir eru sex mnuWir fr Yeim degi er aWalframkv%mdastj;rinn tekur viW sl1kri tilkynningu. C/GN  )26. gr.'Cx /GNۃ 1. HvaW snertir r1ki sem hefur tv? eWa fleiri r)ttarkerfi 1 forsjrmlum meW staWbundiW gildissviW: ++a. skal litiW svo  aW meW tilv1sun til laga Yess r1kis Yar sem maWur er bCsettur eWa r1kisborgari s) tt viW YaW r)ttarkerfi sem gildandi reglur 1 Yv1 r1ki segja til um aW eigi viW eWa, s)u engar s1kar reglur fyrir hendi, YaW r)ttarkerfi sem hlutaWeigandi maWur hefur sterkust tengsl viW;    о++b. skal litiW svo  aW meW tilv1sun til upphafsr1kisins eWa Yess r1kis, sem beiWni er beint til, s), eftir Yv1 sem viW , tt viW Yann landshluta Yar sem kv?rWunin var tekin eWa Yann landshluta Yar sem ;skaW er eftir viWurkenningu eWa fullnustu  kv?rWuninni eWa aW forsj verWi endurheimt. 2. kv%Wi a-liWar 1. mgr. Yessarar greinar gilda einnig, aW breyttu breytanda, gagnvart r1kjum sem hafa 1 forsjrmlum tv? eWa fleiri r)ttarkerfi meW pers;nubundiW gildissviW. C/GN  )27. gr.Cx /GNۃ 1. R1ki getur, viW undirritun eWa afhendingu skjals Yess um fullgildingu, viWurkenningu, staWfestingu eWa aWild, lUst Yv1 yfir aW YaW notf%ri s)r einn eWa fleiri Yeirra fyrirvara sem fjallaW er um 1 3. mgr. 6. gr., 17. gr. og 18. gr. samningsins. AWra fyrirvara m ekki gera. 2. Samningsr1ki, sem gert hefur fyrirvara skv. 1. mgr., getur afturkallaW hann aW ?llu leyti eWa aW hluta meW tilkynningu til aWalframkv%mdastj;ra Evr;pu#(9%9%FFԮrWsins. Afturk?llunin ?Wlast gildi  Yeim degi er aWalframkv%mdastj;rinn tekur viW sl1kri tilkynningu. C/GN  )28. gr.Cx /GNۃ AWalframkv%mdastj;ri Evr;purWsins skal 1 lok YriWja rs fr Yeim degi er samningur Yessi ?Wlast gildi, og hven%r sem er s1War aW eigin frumkv%Wi, bj;Wa fulltrCum Yeirra m;tt?kustj;rnvalda, sem samningsr1kin hafa tilnefnt, til fundar til aW kanna og greiWa fyrir framkv%md samningsins. Xau aWildarr1ki Evr;purWsins, sem ekki eru aWilar aW samningnum, geta tt heyrnarfulltrCa. Gera skal skUrslu um st?rf hvers fundar og senda rWherranefnd Evr;purWsins til upplUs   оingar. C/GN  )29. gr.Cx /GNۃ 1. AWili getur hven%r sem er sagt samningi Yessum upp meW tilkynningu til aWalframkv%mdastj;ra Evr;purWsins. 2. Sl1k upps?gn ?Wlast gildi fyrsta dag Yess mnaWar sem hefst eftir aW liWnir eru sex mnuWir fr Yeim degi er aWalframkv%mdastj;rinn t;k viW tilkynningunni. C/GN  )30. gr.Cx /GNۃ AWalframkv%mdastj;ri Evr;purWsins skal tilkynna aWildarr1kjum rWsins og hverju Yv1 r1ki, sem gerst hefur aWili aW samningi Yessum, um: ++a. s)rhverja undirritun; ++b. afhendingu s)rhvers skjals um fullgildingu, viWurkenningu, staWfestingu eWa aWild; ++c. s)rhvern gildist?kudag samnings"P'##FFԮins skv. 22., 23., 24. og 25. gr.; ++d. s)rhverja aWra aWgerW, tilkynningu eWa orWsendingu sem varWar samninginn.  Xessu til staWfestu hafa undirritaWir fulltrCar, sem til Yess hafa fullt umboW, undirritaW samning Yennan. Gj?rt 1 LCxemborg, 20. ma1 1980,  ensku og fr?nsku, 1 einu eintaki sem varWveitt skal 1 skjalasafni Evr;purWsins og eru bWir textar jafngildir. AWalframkv%mdastj;ri Evr;purWsins skal senda staWfest endurrit til hvers aWildarr1kis Evr;purWsins og til hvers r1kis sem boWin er aWild aW samningnum. Fylgiskjal II.   y?dddy H^   (SAMNINGUR L um einkar)ttarleg hrif af brottnmi 4  barna til flutnings milli landa. ă Xau r1ki sem undirritaW hafa Yennan samning, sem eru eindregiW Yeirrar skoWunar aW hagsmunir barna skipti mestu mli Yegar fjallaW er um forsj Yeirra og vilja veita b?rnum alYj;Wlega vernd fyrir skaWlegum hrifum Yess aW Yau s)u flutt  brott meW ;l?gm%tum h%tti eWa haldiW  ;l?gm%tan htt og koma  fyrirkomulagi sem tryggir aW Yeim s) skilaW meW skj;tum h%tti til Yess r1kis Yar sem Yau eru bCsett svo og til aW tryggja verndun umgengnisr)ttar, hafa kveWiW aW gera meW s)r samning 1 Yessu skyni og hafa orWiW stt um eftirfarandi kv%Wi:   (I. KAFLI p !GildissviW samningsins. ă#k( % %FFԌ@  )1. gr. MarkmiW samnings Yessa eru: a)++aW tryggja aW b?rnum, sem flutt eru meW ;l?gm%tum h%tti til samningsr1kis eWa haldiW Yar  ;l?gm%tan htt, s) skilaW meW skj;tum h%tti; og+ b)++aW sj til Yess aW forsjrr)ttur og umgengnisr)ttur samkv%mt l?gum eins samningsr1kis s) 1 raun virtur 1 ?Wrum samningsr1kjum.+ C/GN@  )2. gr.Cx /GNۃ Samningsr1ki skulu gr1pa til allra viWeigandi rWstafana til aW tryggja aW markmiWum samningsins verWi nW innan landsv%Wa sinna. 0 Yessu skyni skulu Yau beita skj;tustu mlsmeWferW sem v?l er . C/GN@  )3. gr.Cx /GNۃ LitiW skal svo  aW brottflutningur eWa hald  barni s) ;l?gm%tt Yegar: a)++YaW felur 1 s)r brot  forsjrr)tti sem maWur, stofnun eWa einhver annar aWili hefur  hendi, annaWhvort einn eWa meW ?Wrum, samkv%mt l?gum Yess r1kis Yar sem barniW var bCsett r)tt Wur en YaW var flutt  brott eWa Yv1 haldiW; og+ b)++s aWili f;r 1 raun meW forsjna, annaWhvort einn eWa meW ?Wrum,  Yeim t1ma er brottflutningur eWa hald tti s)r staW eWa hefWi fariW meW hana ef brottflutningurinn eWa haldiW hefWi ekki tt s)r staW.+ Forsjrr)ttur s, sem nefndur er 1 a-liW, getur einkum veriW leiddur af l?gum eWa komiW til vegna kv?rWunar d;mara eWa stj;rnvalds, eWa vegna samnings sem hefur lagalegt gildi samkv%mt l?gum Yess r1kis. C/GN@  )4. gr.gCx /GNۃ#k( % %FFԌSamningurinn skal eiga viW um hvert YaW barn sem var bCsett 1 samningsr1ki r)tt Wur en brot gegn forsjr- eWa umgengnisr)tti tti s)r staW. Samningurinn  ekki viW eftir aW barniW n%r 16 ra aldri. C/GN@  )5. gr.Cx /GNۃ 0 samningi Yessum: a)++felur ?forsjrr)ttur  1 s)r r)tt sem varWar um?nnun barnsins sjlfs og s)rstaklega r)tt til aW taka kv?rWun um bCsetu Yess;+ b)++felur ?umgengnisr)ttur  1 s)r r)tt til aW fara meW barn um takmarkaWan t1ma til annars staWar en Yar sem YaW bUr.+  (II. KAFLI  #M;tt?kustj;rnv?ld. ă @  )6. gr. Samningsr1ki skal tilnefna m;tt?kustj;rnvald til aW annast Yau st?rf sem falin eru sl1kum stj;rnv?ldum 1 samningnum. Sambandsr1kjum, r1kjum meW fleiri en eitt r)ttarkerfi eWa r1kjum meW sjlfst%War staWbundnar stofnanir er frjlst aW tilnefna fleiri en eitt m;tt?kustj;rnvald og aW tilgreina til hvaWa landsv%Wa vald Yeirra n%r. Hafi r1ki tilnefnt fleiri en eitt m;tt?kustj;rnvald skal YaW tilnefna YaW m;tt?kustj;rnvald sem senda m beiWnir til svo framsenda megi Y%r viWkomandi m;tt?kustj;rnvaldi innan Yess r1kis. C/GN@  )7. gr.QCx /GNۃ M;tt?kustj;rnv?ld skulu hafa samvinnu s1n  milli og stuWla aW samvinnu milli Yar til b%rra yfirvalda 1 r1kjum s1num til aW tryggja aW b?rnum verWi skilaW meW skj;tum h%tti og til aW n ?Wrum#k( % %FF markmiWum Yessa samnings. Einkum skulu Yau, annaWhvort beint eWa fyrir millig?ngu annarra, gera allt sem viW : a)++til aW finna hvar barn, sem flutt hefur veriW  brott meW ;l?gm%tum h%tti eWa er haldiW  ;l?gm%tan htt, er niWurkomiW;+ b)++til aW koma 1 veg fyrir aW barniW b1Wi frekari skaWa eWa aW hagsmunum Yeirra aWila sem ml varWar verWi stefnt 1 frekari h%ttu meW Yv1 aW gr1pa til eWa sj til Yess aW gripiW verWi til brWabirgWarWstafana;+ c)++til aW tryggja aW barninu verWi skilaW af frjlsum vilja eWa til aW vinsamleg lausn verWi fundin  mlinu;+ d)++til aW skiptast  upplUsingum um f)lagslega hagi barnsins, ef %skilegt er;+ e)++til aW veita upplUsingar almenns eWlis um l?g r1kis s1ns 1 tengslum viW beitingu samningsins;+ f)++til aW hefja eWa greiWa fyrir Yv1 aW hafin verWi mlsmeWferW fyrir d;mst;lum eWa stj;rnv?ldum 1 Yv1 skyni aW f barni skilaW og, Yegar viW , til aW umgengnisr)ttur verWi fastsettur eWa tryggt aW hann ni 1 raun fram aW ganga;+ g)++til aW veita eWa greiWa fyrir Yv1 aW veitt s) l?gfr%Wileg aWstoW og rWgj?f Yar sem aWst%Wur krefjast Yess, Yar  meWal Yannig aW l?gmenn og rWgjafar komi inn 1 ml;+ h)++til aW Y%r stj;rnvaldsaWgerWir verWi gerWar sem taldar eru nauWsynlegar og viWeigandi til aW tryggja aW barninu verWi skilaW heilu  hCfi;+ i)++til aW veita hvert ?Wru upplUsingar um framkv%md samningsins og eyWa, eftir Yv1 sem unnt er, ?llum hindrunum sem standa kunna 1 vegi fyrir beitingu hans.+ #k( % %FFԌh 'III. KAFLI  %B?rnum skilaW. ă @  )8. gr. Hver s maWur, stofnun eWa annar aWili, sem heldur Yv1 fram aW fariW hafi veriW meW barn  brott eWa aW Yv1 s) haldiW 1 bl;ra viW forsjrr)tt, getur annaWhvort s;tt um aWstoW til m;tt?kustj;rnvalds Yar sem barniW hefur bCsetu eWa til m;tt?kustj;rnvalds annars samningsr1kis til aW tryggja aW barninu verWi skilaW. 0 beiWni skulu koma fram: a)++upplUsingar um hver s) beiWandi, hvert barniW s) og hver s maWur s) sem haldiW er fram aW hafi fariW meW barniW  brott eWa haldi Yv1;+ b)++upplUsingar um f%Wingardag barnsins, ef Y%r eru fyrir hendi;+ c)++Y%r st%Wur sem beiWandi byggir kr?fu s1na  um aW barninu verWi skilaW;+ d)++allar upplUsingar sem fyrir hendi eru um hvar barniW s) niWurkomiW og hver s maWur s) sem barniW er taliW vera hj.+ BeiWninni m lta fylgja eWa b%ta m viW hana s1War: e)++staWfestu endurriti af hverri Yeirri kv?rWun eWa samningi sem mli skiptir;+ f)++vottorWi eWa yfirlUsingu fr m;tt?kustj;rnvaldi, eWa ?Wru Yar til b%ru yfirvaldi 1 Yv1 r1ki Yar sem barniW hefur bCsetu, eWa fr h%fum manni, varWandi Yau l?g Yess r1kis sem viW eiga;+ g)++hverju Yv1 skjali ?Wru sem mli skiptir.+ C/GN@  )9. gr.Cx /GNۃ Hafi m;tt?kustj;rnvald, sem tekur viW beiWni skv. 8. gr., st%Wu til aW %tla aW barniW s) 1 ?Wru samningsr1ki skal YaW n tafar senda beiWnina beint til m;t#k( % %FFԮt?kustj;rnvalds Yess samningsr1kis og tilkynna m;tt?kustj;rnvaldinu, sem bar fram beiWnina, eWa beiWanda, eftir Yv1 sem viW , um YaW. C/GN  )10. gr.Cx /GNۃ M;tt?kustj;rnvald Yess r1kis Yar sem barniW er skal gera eWa sj um aW gerWar s)u allar rWstafanir sem viW eiga til aW barninu verWi skilaW af frjlsum vilja. C/GN  )11. gr.CCx /GNۃ D;mst;lar eWa stj;rnv?ld samningsr1kja skulu hraWa mlsmeWferW vegna afhendingar  barni. Hafi viWkomandi d;mst;ll eWa stj;rnvald ekki komist aW niWurst?Wu innan sex vikna fr Yeim degi er meWferW mls h;fst eiga beiWandi eWa m;tt?kustj;rnvald Yess r1kis sem beiWni er beint til, annaWhvort aW eigin frumkv%Wi eWa aW ;sk m;tt?kustj;rnvalds Yess r1kis sem ber fram beiWni, r)tt  aW ;ska eftir greinargerW um st%Wur tafarinnar. Ef m;tt?kustj;rnvaldi Yess r1kis, sem beiWni er beint til, berst svar skal YaW senda YaW m;tt?kustj;rnvaldi Yess r1kis sem ber fram beiWni eWa beiWanda, eftir Yv1 sem viW . C/GN  )12. gr.$Cx /GNۃ Xegar barn hefur veriW flutt  brott meW ;l?gm%tum h%tti eWa Yv1 er haldiW  ;l?gm%tan htt, sbr. 3. gr., og ekki er liWiW eitt r fr Yeim degi er hinn ;l?gm%ti brottflutningur tti s)r staW eWa ;l?gm%tt hald h;fst,  Yeim degi er mlsmeWferW hefst fyrir d;mst;li eWa stj;rnvaldi Yess samningsr1kis Yar sem barniW er, skal viWkomandi d;mst;ll eWa stj;rnvald skipa svo fyrir aW barninu skuli skilaW Yegar 1 staW.#k( % %FFԌJafnvel Y;tt mlsmeWferW hafi hafist eftir aW eins rs frestinum, sem v1saW er til 1 undanfarandi mlsgrein, lauk skal d;mst;ll eWa stj;rnvald einnig fyrirskipa aW barninu skuli skilaW, nema sUnt s) fram  aW barniW hafi Y aWlagast hinu nUja umhverfi s1nu. D;mst;ll eWa stj;rnvald 1 Yv1 r1ki, sem beiWni er beint til, getur st?WvaW mlsmeWferW eWa v1saW fr beiWni um aW barninu s) skilaW, ef YaW hefur st%Wu til aW %tla aW fariW hafi veriW meW barniW til annars r1kis. C/GN  )13. gr. Cx /GNۃ Xrtt fyrir kv%Wi undanfarandi greinar ber d;mst;li eWa stj;rnvaldi 1 Yv1 r1ki, sem beiWni er beint til, ekki skylda til aW fyrirskipa aW barninu s) skilaW ef s maWur, stofnun eWa annar aWili sem m;tm%lir afhendingu Yess sUnir fram  aW: a)++s maWur, stofnun eWa annar aWili, sem hafWi um?nnun barnsins meW h?ndum, hafi 1 raun ekki fariW meW forsjrr)ttinn  Yeim t1ma er brottflutningur tti s)r staW eWa hald h;fst eWa hafi samYykkt eWa s1War fallist  brottflutninginn eWa haldiW; eWa+ b)++alvarleg h%tta s)  aW afhendingin muni valda barninu l1kamlegum eWa andlegum skaWa eWa  annan htt koma Yv1 1 ;b%rilega st?Wu.+ D;mst;ll eWa stj;rnvald getur einnig neitaW aW fyrirskipa aW barninu skuli skilaW ef YaW telur aW barniW s) andv1gt Yv1 og aW YaW hafi nW Yeim aldri og Yroska aW r)tt s) aW taka tillit til skoWana Yess. ViW mat  aWst%Wum, sem fjallaW er um 1 Yessari grein, skulu d;mst;lar og stj;rnv?ld taka tillit til upplUsinga um f)lagslega hagi barnsins sem m;tt?kustj;rnvald, eWa annaW Yar til b%rt yfir#k( % %FFԮvald, Yar sem barniW hefur bCsetu hefur aflaW. C/GN  )14. gr.Cx /GNۃ ViW kv?rWun um YaW hvort ;l?gm%tur brottflutningur eWa hald, 1 skilningi 3. gr., hafi tt s)r staW geta d;mst;lar eWa stj;rnv?ld Yess r1kis, sem beiWni er beint til, tekiW beint miW af l?gum Yess r1kis Yar sem barniW hefur bCsetu og af kv?rWunum d;mst;la eWa stj;rnvalda Yar hvort sem Yeir eru formlega viWurkenndir eWa ekki, n Yess aW beitt s) s)rstakri mlsmeWferW, sem ella mundi eiga viW, til s?nnunar  efni Yessara lagareglna eWa til viWurkenningar  erlendum kv?rWunum. C/GN  )15. gr.Cx /GNۃ D;mst;lar eWa stj;rnv?ld 1 samningsr1ki geta, Wur en Yau gefa Ct fyrirm%li um aW barni skuli skilaW, ;skaW eftir Yv1 aW beiWandi afli CrskurWar eWa annarrar kv?rWunar fr yfirv?ldum 1 r1ki Yar sem barn var bCsett, Yess efnis aW brottflutn   оingurinn eWa haldiW hafi veriW ;l?gm%tt 1 skilningi 3. gr. samningsins, enda s) m?gulegt aW afla sl1ks CrskurWar eWa kv?rWunar 1 Yv1 r1ki. M;tt?kustj;rnv?ld samningsr1kja skulu aWstoWa beiWendur eftir f?ngum viW aW afla sl1kra CrskurWa eWa kvarWana. C/GN  )16. gr.$Cx /GNۃ D;mst;lar eWa stj;rnv?ld Yess samningsr1kis, sem barniW hefur veriW flutt til eWa er haldiW 1, skulu, eftir aW Yeim hefur borist tilkynning um ;l?gm%tan brottflutning eWa hald  barni 1 skilningi 3. gr., ekki CrskurWa um forsjrr)ttinn fyrr en kveWiW hefur veriW aW barninu verWi ekki skilaW samkv%mt Yessum samningi eWa h%filegur frestur er liWinn#k( % %FF fr Yv1 aW tilkynning var m;ttekin n Yess aW beiWni samkv%mt samningnum hafi veriW l?gW fram. C/GN  )17. gr.$Cx /GNۃ Synjun  aW skila barni samkv%mt Yessum samningi verWur ekki byggW  Yv1 einu aW CrskurWur varWandi forsj hafi veriW kveWinn upp, eWa skuli viWurkenndur, 1 Yv1 r1ki sem beiWni er beint til, en d;mst;lar eWa stj;rnv?ld Yess r1kis geta tekiW tillit til forsendna sl1ks CrskurWar viW beitingu samningsins. C/GN  )18. gr.<Cx /GNۃ kv%Wi Yessa kafla takmarka ekki heimild d;mst;ls eWa stj;rnvalds til aW skipa svo fyrir hven%r sem er aW barni skuli skilaW. C/GN  )19. gr.HCx /GNۃ Ekki skal litiW svo  aW 1 kv?rWun um aW skila barni samkv%mt Yessum samningi felist efnisleg Crlausn neins litamls varWandi forsj.    оC/GN  )20. gr.~ Cx /GNۃ Heimilt er aW synja um afhendingu  barni samkv%mt kv%Wum 12. gr. ef hCn v%ri ;heimil samkv%mt grundvallarreglum Yess r1kis, sem beiWni er beint til, um verndun mannr)ttinda og mannfrelsis. e (IV. KAFLI S $Umgengnisr)ttur. ă   )21. gr. BeiWni um aWgerWir til aW kveWa umgengnisr)tt eWa til aW tryggja aW hann ni 1 raun fram aW ganga m leggja fyrir m;tt?kustj;rnv?ld samningsr1kjanna  sama htt og beiWni um aW barni skuli skilaW. Eins og segir 1 7. gr. eru m;tt?kustj;rnv?ldin skuldbundin til samvinnu tilz$()%%FF aW greiWa fyrir Yv1 aW unnt s) aW nj;ta umgengnisr)ttar meW friWs?mum h%tti og aW Yeim skilyrWum, sem sett hafa veriW fyrir umgengni, s) fulln%gt. M;tt?kustj;rnv?ldin skulu, eftir Yv1 sem unnt er, gera rWstafanir til aW ryWja Cr vegi hindrunum fyrir Yv1 aW unnt s) aW nj;ta Yessara r)ttinda. M;tt?kustj;rnv?ldin geta, annaWhvort beint eWa fyrir millig?ngu annarra, hafiW mlsmeWferW eWa veitt aWstoW til Yess aW hCn verWi hafin til aW unnt s) aW kveWa eWa vernda Yessi r)ttindi og tryggja aW skilyrWi fyrir umgengni s)u virt.  (V. KAFLI  %Almenn kv%Wi. ă   )22. gr. Ekki m krefjast Yess aW l?gW s) fram neins konar byrgW, skuldaryfirlUsing eWa trygging til aW byrgjast greiWslu Ctgjalda og kostnaWar af mlsmeWferW fyrir d;mst;li eWa stj;rnvaldi sem samningur Yessi tekur til. C/GN  )23. gr.q(Cx /GNۃ Ekki m krefjast opinberrar staWfestingar eWa setja Yekk formskilyrWi varWandi samning Yennan. C/GN  )24. gr.Y)Cx /GNۃ BeiWnir, tilkynningar og ?nnur skj?l, sem send eru m;tt?kustj;rnvaldi Yess r1kis sem beiWni er beint til, skulu vera  frummlinu. Xeim skal fylgja YUWing  opinbert tunguml Yess r1kis, sem beiWni er beint til, eWa eitt hinna opinberu tungumla Yess eWa, s) YaW ekki unnt, YUWing  fr?nsku eWa ensku. Samningsr1ki getur Y;, meW Yv1 aW gera fyrirvara 1 samr%mi viW 42. gr., m;tm%lt Yv1 aW annaWhvort franska eWa enska, Y; ekki b%Wi tungumlin, s) notuW 1 beiWnum, tilkynningum og ?Wrum#k( % %FF skj?lum sem send eru m;tt?kustj;rnvaldi Yess. C/GN  )25. gr.,Cx /GNۃ R1kisborgarar samningsr1kjanna og Yeir sem bCsettir eru 1 Yessum r1kjum skulu, 1 mlum sem snerta beitingu Yessa samnings, eiga r)tt  l?gfr%Wilegri aWstoW og rWgj?f 1 ?Wrum samningsr1kjum meW s?mu skilyrWum og ef Yeir v%ru sjlfir r1kisborgarar Yess r1kis og bCsettir 1 Yv1. C/GN  )26. gr..Cx /GNۃ Hvert m;tt?kustj;rnvald skal bera eigin kostnaW viW beitingu Yessa samnings. M;tt?kustj;rnv?ld og aWrar opinberar stofnanir samningsr1kja skulu ekki leggja  nein gj?ld 1 sambandi viW beiWnir sem lagWar eru fram samkv%mt samningnum. S)rstaklega geta Yau ekki krafiW beiWanda um greiWslu  Ctgj?ldum og kostnaWi vegna mlsmeWferWarinnar eWa, ef viW , vegna l?gfr%Wilegrar aWstoWar. Xau geta Y; krafist greiWslu  kostnaWi sem leiWir af, eWa mun leiWa af, sjlfri afhendingu barnsins. Samningsr1ki getur Y;, meW Yv1 aW gera fyrirvara 1 samr%mi viW 42. gr., lUst Yv1 yfir aW YaW s) ekki skuldbundiW til aW taka  sig Yann kostnaW sem vikiW er aW 1 undanfarandi mlsgrein og stafar af l?gfr%Wilegri aWstoW eWa af meWferW mls fyrir d;mi, nema aW Yv1 leyti sem Yessi kostnaWur fellur undir reglur Yess um opinbera r)ttaraWstoW. D;mst;lar eWa stj;rnv?ld geta, Yegar Yau CrskurWa um aW barni skuli skilaW eWa kveWa upp CrskurW um umgengnisr)tt samkv%mt samningi Yessum, ef viW , gert Yeim, sem flutti barniW  brott eWa h)lt Yv1 eWa kom 1 veg fyrir aW unnt#k( % %FF v%ri aW nj;ta umgengnisr)ttar, aW greiWa nauWsynleg Ctgj?ld sem stofnaW hefur veriW til af beiWanda eWa fyrir hans h?nd, Yar  meWal ferWakostnaW, kostnaW sem stofnaW hefur veriW til eWa sem greiddur hefur veriW til aW finna hvar barniW var niWur komiW, kostnaW af l?gfr%Wilegu fyrirsvari beiWandans og kostnaW viW aW skila barninu. C/GN  )27. gr.Y7Cx /GNۃ M;tt?kustj;rnvaldi er ;skylt aW taka viW beiWni Yegar auglj;st er aW skilyrWum Yessa samnings er ekki fulln%gt eWa aW beiWnin  ekki aW ?Wru leyti viW r?k aW styWjast. 0 sl1kum tilvikum skal m;tt?kustj;rnvaldiW Yegar skUra beiWandanum eWa, eftir Yv1 sem viW , m;tt?kustj;rnvaldinu, sem hafWi millig?ngu um aW beiWnin var l?gW fram, fr st%Wum Yess. C/GN  )28. gr.9Cx /GNۃ M;tt?kustj;rnvald getur krafist Yess aW beiWni fylgi skriflegt umboW sem veiti Yv1 heimild til aW koma fram fyrir h?nd beiWanda eWa til aW skipa fyrirsvarsmann til Yess. C/GN  )29. gr.;Cx /GNۃ Samningur Yessi skal ekki vera Yv1 til fyrirst?Wu aW maWur, stofnun eWa annar aWili, sem heldur Yv1 fram aW brotiW hafi veriW gegn forsjr- eWa umgengnisr)tti 1 skilningi 3. eWa 21. gr., leiti beint til d;mst;la eWa stj;rnvalda 1 samningsr1ki, hvort sem YaW er gert samkv%mt samningnum eWa n tillits til hans. C/GN  )30. gr.,=Cx /GNۃ Hverja Y beiWni, sem komiW er  framf%ri viW m;tt?kustj;rnv?ld eWa beint viW d;mst;la eWa stj;rnv?ld 1 samningsr1ki 1 samr%mi viW kv%Wi Yessa samnings, svo og skj?l og aWrar# k( % %FF upplUsingar sem henni fylgja eWa m;tt?kustj;rnvald l%tur 1 t), skal vera heimilt aW leggja fram fyrir r)tti eWa fyrir stj;rnv?ld 1 samningsr1kjunum. C/GN  )31. gr.?Cx /GNۃ HvaW snertir r1ki sem hefur tv? eWa fleiri r)ttarkerfi 1 mlum varWandi forsj barna sem eiga viW 1 mismunandi landshlutum: a)++skal litiW svo  aW meW tilv1sun til bCsetu 1 Yv1 r1ki s) tt viW bCsetu 1 kveWnum landshluta Yess r1kis;+ b)++skal litiW svo  aW meW tilv1sun til laga 1 r1ki Yar sem barn hefur bCsetu s) tt viW l?gin 1 Yeim landshluta Yess r1kis Yar sem barniW hefur bCsetu.+ C/GN  )32. gr.QBCx /GNۃ HvaW snertir r1ki, sem hefur tv? eWa fleiri r)ttarkerfi 1 mlum varWandi forsj barna fyrir mismunandi h;pa f;lks, skal litiW svo  aW meW tilv1sun til laga Yess r1kis s) tt viW YaW r)ttarkerfi sem l?g r1kisins tilgreina aW eigi viW. C/GN  )33. gr.DCx /GNۃ R1ki Yar sem kveWnir landshlutar hafa s1nar eigin lagareglur varWandi forsj barna er ekki skuldbundiW til aW beita Yessum samningi ef r1ki meW eitt r)ttarkerfi v%ri ekki skuldbundiW til Yess. C/GN  )34. gr.pECx /GNۃ Samningur Yessi skal, 1 mlum innan gildissviWs hans, ganga framar samningi fr 5. okt;ber 1961 um valdb%rni yfirvalda og l?g sem viW eiga um verndun Yeirra sem eru ;l?grWa s?kum %sku 1 skiptum aWila aW bWum samningunum. AW ?Wru leyti takmarkar samningur Yessi#!k( % %FF ekki beitingu alYj;Wasamninga sem gilda milli upphafsr1kisins og Yess r1kis sem beiWni er beint til eWa annarra laga s1Warnefnda r1kisins til Yess aW f barni, sem flutt hefur veriW  brott meW ;l?gm%tum h%tti eWa er haldiW  ;l?gm%tan htt, skilaW eWa til Yess aW fastsetja umgengisr)tt. C/GN  )35. gr.HCx /GNۃ 0 skiptum samningsr1kja skal samningur Yessi aWeins gilda um ;l?gm%tan brottflutning eWa hald sem  s)r staW eftir aW hann ?Wlast gildi 1 Yeim r1kjum. Hafi veriW gefin yfirlUsing skv. 39. eWa 40. gr. skal litiW svo  aW meW samningsr1ki 1 fyrri mlsgrein s) tt viW Yann landshluta eWa Y landshluta Yar sem samningurinn hefur gildi. C/GN  )36. gr.>KCx /GNۃ Ekkert 1 samningi Yessum skal vera Yv1 til fyrirst?Wu aW tv? eWa fleiri samningsr1ki komi s)r saman um YaW s1n  milli, til Yess aW draga Cr Yeim takm?rkunum sem geta tt viW um afhendingu  barni, aW v1kja fr Yeim kv%Wum samningsins sem kunna aW fela 1 s)r sl1kar takmarkanir. e (VI. KAFLI  'Lokakv%Wi. ă   )37. gr. Samningurinn skal liggja frammi til undirritunar af hlfu Yeirra r1kja sem voru Ytttakendur 1 HaagrWstefnunni um alYj;Wlegan einkamlar)tt  Yeim t1ma er fj;rtndi fundur hennar var haldinn. Hann skal fullgiltur, viWurkenndur eWa staWfestur og skal koma skj?lum um fullgildingu, viWurkenningu eWa staWfestingu 1 v?rslu hj utanr1kisrWuneyti konungsr1kisins Hollands.#"k( % %FFԌC/GN  )38. gr.OCx /GNۃ S)rhvert annaW r1ki getur gerst aWili aW samningnum. AWildarskj?lum skal koma 1 v?rslu hj utanr1kisrWuneyti konungsr1kisins Hollands. Samningurinn ?Wlast gildi gagnvart r1ki, sem gerist aWili aW honum, fyrsta dag YriWja almanaksmnaWar eftir aW aWildarskjali Yess er komiW 1 v?rslu. AWildin hefur aWeins gildi varWandi samskipti aWildarr1kisins og Yeirra samningsr1kja sem lUst hafa Yv1 yfir aW Yau viWurkenni aWildina. Sl1k yfirlUsing er einnig nauWsynleg af hlfu Yttt?kur1kis sem fullgildir, viWurkennir eWa staWfestir samninginn eftir aW aWild hefur tt s)r staW. YfirlUsingunni skal koma 1 v?rslu hj utanr1kisrWuneyti konungsr1kisins Hollands. RWuneytiW skal senda hverju samningsr1ki staWfest endurrit eftir dipl;mat1skum leiWum. Samningurinn ?Wlast gildi milli aWildarr1kisins og Yess r1kis sem lUst hefur Yv1 yfir aW YaW viWurkenni aWildina fyrsta dag YriWja almanaksmnaWar eftir aW viWurkenningaryfirlUsingunni er komiW 1 v?rslu. C/GN  )39. gr.UCx /GNۃ S)rhvert r1ki getur viW undirritun, fullgildingu, viWurkenningu, staWfestingu eWa Yegar YaW gerist aWili lUst Yv1 yfir aW samningurinn skuli n til allra landsv%Wa sem YaW annast alYj;Wasamskipti fyrir eWa til eins Yeirra eWa fleiri. Sl1k yfirlUsing ?Wlast gildi er samningurinn ?Wlast gildi gagnvart Yv1 r1ki. Sl1kar yfirlUsingar, svo og s1Wari Ctf%rsla  gildissv%Wi, skulu tilkynntar utanr1kisrWuneyti konungsr1kisins Hollands.##k( % %FFԌC/GN  )40. gr.XCx /GNۃ Ef innan samningsr1kis eru tveir eWa fleiri landshlutar Yar sem mismunandi r)ttarkerfi gilda um ml, sem samningur Yessi fjallar um, getur YaW viW undirritun, fullgildingu, viWurkenningu, staWfestingu eWa Yegar YaW gerist aWili lUst Yv1 yfir aW samningurinn skuli n til allra landshluta Yess eWa aWeins til eins Yeirra eWa fleiri. XaW getur hven%r sem er breytt Yeirri yfirlUsingu meW annarri yfirlUsingu. Utanr1kisrWuneyti konungsr1kisins Hollands skal tilkynnt um hverja sl1ka yfirlUsingu og skal koma skUrt fram 1 henni til hvaWa landshluta samningurinn tekur. C/GN  )41. gr.[Cx /GNۃ Xar sem framkv%mdarvaldi, d;msvaldi og l?ggjafarvaldi er, samkv%mt stj;rnskipan samningsr1kis, dreift milli miWstUrWra yfirvalda og annarra yfirvalda innan r1kisins skal undirritun, fullgilding, viWurkenning, staWfesting eWa aWild Yess aW samningnum, eWa yfirlUsing Yess skv. 40. gr., ekki fela 1 s)r neina v1sbendingu um innbyrWis valddreifingu 1 Yv1 r1ki. C/GN  )42. gr.=^Cx /GNۃ S)rhvert r1ki getur, Y; eigi s1War en Yegar fullgilding, viWurkenning, staWfesting eWa aWild  s)r staW eWa Yegar gefin er Ct yfirlUsing skv. 39. eWa 40. gr., gert annan hvorn eWa bWa Y fyrirvara sem 24. gr. og 3. mgr. 26. gr. gera rW fyrir. Ekki m gera aWra fyrirvara. R1ki getur hven%r sem er afturkallaW fyrirvara sem YaW hefur gert. Tilkynna skal utanr1kisrWuneyti konungsr1kisins Hollands um afturk?llunina. Fyrirvari fellur Cr gildi fyrsta dag#$k( % %FF YriWja almanaksmnaWar eftir aW tilkynning samkv%mt fyrri mlsgrein hefur veriW gefin Ct. C/GN  )43. gr.aCx /GNۃ Samningurinn ?Wlast gildi fyrsta dag YriWja almanaksmnaWar eftir aW YriWja skjalinu um fullgildingu, viWurkenningu, staWfestingu eWa aWild skv. 37. og 38. gr. er komiW 1 v?rslu. Samningurinn skal s1Wan ?Wlast gildi: (1)Tgagnvart hverju Yv1 r1ki sem fullgildir, viWurkennir, staWfestir eWa gerist aWili aW honum s1War, fyrsta dag YriWja almanaksmnaWar eftir aW skjali Yess um fullgildingu, viWurkenningu, staWfestingu eWa aWild er komiW 1 v?rslu; (2)Tgagnvart s)rhverju landsv%Wi eWa landshluta, sem gildi samningsins hefur veriW f%rt Ct til 1 samr%mi viW 39. eWa 40. gr., fyrsta dag YriWja almanaksmnaWar eftir aW gefin var Ct tilkynning samkv%mt greinunum. C/GN  )44. gr.eCx /GNۃ Samningurinn skal halda gildi s1nu 1 fimm r fr Yeim degi er hann ?WlaWist gildi skv. 1. mgr. 43. gr. Xetta  einnig viW gagnvart r1kjum sem hafa fullgilt, viWurkennt, staWfest eWa gerst aWilar aW honum s1War. Samningurinn endurnUjast sjlfkrafa  fimm ra fresti ef engin upps?gn hefur tt s)r staW. Tilkynna skal utanr1kisrWuneyti konungsr1kisins Hollands um hverja upps?gn aW minnsta kosti sex mnuWum fyrir lok fimm ra t1mabilsins. Hana m takmarka viW kveWin landsv%Wi eWa landshluta sem samningurinn gildir gagnvart. Upps?gnin hefur aWeins gildi gagnvart#%k( % %FF Yv1 r1ki sem hefur tilkynnt um hana. Samningurinn heldur gildi s1nu gagnvart hinum samningsr1kjunum. C/GN  )45. gr.iCx /GNۃ Utanr1kisrWuneyti konungsr1kisins Hollands skal tilkynna Yttt?kur1kjum rWstefnunnar, svo og r1kjum sem gerst hafa aWilar skv. 38. gr., um eftirfarandi: (1)Tundirritanir, fullgildingar, viWurkenningar og staWfestingar skv. 37. gr.; (2)TaWild skv. 38. gr.; (3)Tgildist?kudag samningsins skv. 43. gr.; (4)TCtf%rslu  gildissv%Wi skv. 39. gr.; (5)TyfirlUsingar skv. 38. og 40. gr.; (6)Tfyrirvara skv. 24. gr. og 3. mgr. 26. gr. og afturkallanir skv. 42. gr.; (7)Tuppsagnir skv. 44. gr. Xessu til staWfestu hafa undirritaWir fulltrCar, sem til Yess hafa fullt umboW, undirritaW Yennan samning. Gj?rt 1 Haag 25. okt;ber 1980  ensku og fr?nsku, 1 einu eintaki sem varWveitt skal 1 skjalasafni r1kisstj;rnar konungsr1kisins Hollands og eru bWir textar jafngildir. StaWfest endurrit Yess skal sent, eftir dipl;mat1skum leiWum, til hvers Yess r1kis sem var Ytttakandi 1 HaagrWstefnunni um alYj;Wlegan einkamlar)tt  Yeim t1ma er fj;rtndi fundur hennar var haldinn. "&k( % %FF d`EUROPEAN CONVENTION ă Zon Recognition and Enforcement Zof Decisions Concerning Custody Zof Children and on Restoration X^of Custody of Children ă RThe member States of the Council of Europe, signatory hereto, RRecognising that in the member States of the Council of Europe the welfare of the child is of overriding importance in reaching decisions concerning his custody; RConsidering that the making of arrangements to ensure that decisions concerning the custody of a child can be more widely recognised and enforced will provide greater protection of the welfare of children; RConsidering it desirable, with this end in view, to emphasise that the right of access of parents is a normal corollary to the right of custody; RNoting the increasing number of cases where children have been improperly removed across an international frontier and the difficulties of securing adequate solutions to the problems caused by such cases; RDesirous of making suitable provision to enable the custody of children which has been arbitrarily interrupted to be#k(9%9%FF restored; RConvinced of the desirability of making arrangements for this purpose answering to different needs and different circumstances; RDesiring to establish legal cooperation between their authorities, RHave agreed as follows: eArticle 1 RFor the purposes of this Convention: a.Tchild means a person of any nationality, so long as he is under 16 years of age and has not the right to decide on his own place of residence under the law of his habitual residence, the law of his nationality or the internal law of the State addressed;Ʒ b.Tauthority means a judicial or administrative authority;Ʒ c.Tdecision relating to custody means a decision of an authority in so far as it relates to the care of the person of the child, including the right to decide on the place of his residence, or to the right of access to him;Ʒ d.Timproper removal means the removal of a child across an international frontier in breach of a decision relating to his custody which has been given in a Contracting State and which is enforceable in such a State; improper removal also includes:Ʒ RTi.Wthe failure to return a child across an international frontier at the end of a period of the exercise of the right of access to this child or at the end of any other temporary stay in a territory other than that where the custody is exercised;Ʒ RTii.CCYa removal which is subsequently declared unlawful within the meaning of Article 12.ƷC #k( % %FFԌ fPART I ` Central authorities ă eArticle 2 R1. Each Contracting State shall appoint a central authority to carry out the functions provided for by this Convention. R2. Federal States and States with more than one legal system shall be free to appoint more than one central authority and shall determine the extent of their competence. R3. The Secretary General of the Council of Europe shall be notified of any appointment under this Article. eArticle 3 R1. The central authorities of the Contracting States shall cooperate with each other and promote cooperation between the competent authorities in their respective countries. They shall act with all necessary despatch. R2. With a view to facilitating the operation of this Convention, the central authorities of the Contracting States: RTa. shall secure the transmission of requests for information coming from competent authorities and relating to legal or factual matters concerning pending proceedings; RTb. shall provide each other on request with information about their law relating to the custody of children and any changes in that law; RTc. shall keep each other informed of any difficulties likely to arise in applying the Convention and, as far as possible, eliminate obstacles to its application. eArticle 4 R1. Any person who has obtained in a Contracting State a decision relating to the custody of a child and who wishes#k( % %FF to have that decision recognised or enforced in another Contracting State may submit an application for this purpose to the central authority in any Contracting State. R2. The application shall be accompanied by the documents mentioned in Article 13. R3. The central authority receiving the application, if it is not the central authority in the State addressed, shall send the documents directly and without delay to that central authority. R4. The central authority receiving the application may refuse to intervene where it is manifestly clear that the conditions laid down by this Convention are not satisfied. R5. The central authority receiving the application shall keep the applicant informed without delay of the progress of his application. eArticle 5 1.TThe central authority in the State addressed shall take or cause to be taken without delay all steps which it considers to be appropriate, if necessary by instituting proceedings before its competent authorities, in order: RTa. to discover the whereabouts of the child; RTb. to avoid, in particular by any necessary provisional measures, prejudice to the interests of the child or of the applicant; RTc. to secure the recognition or enforcement of the decision; RTd. to secure the delivery of the child to the applicant where enforcement is granted; RTe. to inform the requesting authority of the measures taken and their results. R2. Where the central authority in the#k( % %FF State addressed has reason to believe that the child is in the territory of another Contracting State it shall send the documents directly and without delay to the central authority of that State. R3. With the exception of the cost of repatriation, each Contracting State undertakes not to claim any payment from an applicant in respect of any measures taken under paragraph 1 of this Article by the central authority of that State on the applicant's behalf, including the costs of proceedings and, where applicable, the costs incurred by the assistance of a lawyer. R4. If recognition or enforcement is refused, and if the central authority of the State addressed considers that it should comply with a request by the applicant to bring in that State proceedings concerning the substance of the case, that authority shall use its best endeavours to secure the representation of the applicant in the proceedings under conditions no less favourable than those available to a person who is resident in and a national of that State and for this purpose it may, in particular, institute proceedings before its competent authorities. eArticle 6 R1. Subject to any special agreements made between the central authorities concerned and to the provisions of paragraph 3 of this Article: RTa. communications to the central authority of the State addressed shall be made in the official language or in one of the official languages of that State or be accompanied by a translation into that language; RTb. the central authority of the State addressed shall nevertheless accept communications made in English or in French or accompanied by a translation#k( % %FF into one of these languages. R2. Communications coming from the central authority of the State addressed, including the results of enquiries carried out, may be made in the official language or one of the official languages of that State or in English or French. R3. A Contracting State may exclude wholly or partly the provisions of paragraph l.b of this Article. When a Contracting State has made this reservation any other Contracting State may also apply the reservation in respect of that State. fPART II Z Recognition and enforcement of [decisions and restoration of `custody of children ă eArticle 7 RA decision relating to custody given in a Contracting State shall be recognised and, where it is enforceable in the State of origin, made enforceable in every other Contracting State. eArticle 8 Rl. In the case of an improper removal, the central authority of the State addressed shall cause steps to be taken forthwith to restore the custody of the child where: RTa. at the time of the institution of the proceedings in the State where the decision was given or at the time of the improper removal, if earlier, the child and his parents had as their sole nationality the nationality of that State and the child had his habitual residence in the territory of that State, and RTb. a request for the restoration was made to a central authority within a period of six months from the date of the improper removal. R2. If, in accordance with the law of# k( % %FF the State addressed, the requirements of paragraph 1 of this Article cannot be complied with without recourse to a judicial authority, none of the grounds of refusal specified in this Convention shall apply to the judicial proceedings. R3. Where there is an agreement officially confirmed by a competent authority between the person having the custody of the child and another person to allow the other person a right of access, and the child, having been taken abroad, has not been restored at the end of the agreed period to the person having the custody, custody of the child shall be restored in accordance with paragraphs l.b and 2 of this Article. The same shall apply in the case of a decision of the competent authority granting such a right to a person who has not the custody of the child. eArticle 9 Rl. In cases of improper removal, other than those dealt with in Article 8, in which an application has been made to a central authority within a period of six months from the date of the removal, recognition and enforcement may be refused only if: RTa. in the case of a decision given in the absence of the defendant or his legal representative, the defendant was not duly served with the document which instituted the proceedings or an equivalent document in sufficient time to enable him to arrange his defence; but such a failure to effect service cannot constitute a ground for refusing recognition or enforcement where service was not effected because the defendant had concealed his whereabouts from the person who instituted the proceedings in the State of origin; RTb. in the case of a decision given in the absence of the defendant or his legal# k( % %FF representative, the competence of the authority giving the decision was not founded: RT{{Ui.CCY  \on the habitual residence of the defendant, orƷ  RT{{Uii.  \Hoo^on the last common habitual residence of the child's parents, at least one parents being still habitually resident there, orƷo RT{{Uiii.  \on the habitual residence of the child;Ʒ  RTc. the decision is incompatible with a decision relating to custody which became enforceable in the State addressed before the removal of the child, unless the child has had his habitual residence in the territory of the requesting State for one year before his removal. R2. Where no application has been made to a central authority, the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article shall apply equally, if recognition and enforcement are requested within six months from the date of the improper removal. R3. In no circumstances may the foreign decision be reviewed as to its substance. vdArticle 10 R1. In cases other than those covered by Articles 8 and 9, recognition and enforcement may be refused not only on the grounds provided for in Article 9 but also on any of the following grounds: RTa. if it is found that the effects of the decision are manifestly incompatible with the fundamental principles of the law relating to the family and children in the State addressed; RTb. if it is found that by reason of a change in the circumstances including the passage of time but not including a mere change in the residence of the# k( % %FF child after an improper removal, the effects of the original decision are manifestly no longer in accordance with the welfare of the child; RTc. if at the time when the proceedings were instituted in the State of origin: RT{{Ui.CCYthe child was a national of the State addressed or was habitually resident there and no such connection existed with the State of origin;ƷC RT{{Uii.  \the child was a national both of the State of origin and of the State addressed and was habitually resident in the State addressed;Ʒ  RTd. if the decision is incompatible with a decision given in the State addressed or enforceable in that State after being given in a third State, pursuant to proceedings begun before the submission of the request for recognition or enforcement, and if the refusal is in accordance with the welfare of the child. R2. In the same cases, proceedings for recognition or enforcement may be adjourned on any of the following grounds: RTa. if an ordinary form of review of the original decision has been commenced; RTb. if proceedings relating to the custody of the child, commenced before the proceedings in the State of origin were instituted, are pending in the State addressed; RTc. if another decision concerning the custody of the child is the subject of proceedings for enforcement or of any other proceedings concerning the recognition of the decision. vdArticle 11 R1. Decisions on rights of access and# k( % %FF provisions of decisions relating to custody which deal with the right of access shall be recognised and enforced subject to the same conditions as other decisions relating to custody. R2. However, the competent authority of the State addressed may fix the conditions for the implementation and exercise of the right of access taking into account, in particular, undertakings given by the parties on this matter. R3. Where no decision on the right of access has been taken or where recognition or enforcement of the decision relating to custody is refused, the central authority of the State addressed may apply to its competent authorities for a decision on the right of access, if the person claiming a right of access so requests. vdArticle 12 RWhere, at the time of the removal of a child across an international frontier, there is no enforceable decision given in a Contracting State relating to his custody, the provisions of this Convention shall apply to any subsequent decision, relating to the custody of that child and declaring the removal to be unlawful, given in a Contracting State at the request of any interested person. ePART III [e Procedure ă vdArticle 13 R1. A request for recognition or enforcement in another Contracting State of a decision relating to custody shall be accompanied by: RTa. a document authorising the central authority of the State addressed to act on behalf of the applicant or to designate another representative for that purpose;# k( % %FFԌRTb. a copy of the decision which satisfies the necessary conditions of authenticity; RTc. in the case of a decision given in the absence of the defendant or his legal representative, a document which establishes that the defendant was duly served with the document which instituted the proceedings or an equivalent document; RTd. if applicable, any document which establishes that, in accordance with the law of the State of origin, the decision is enforceable; RTe. if possible, a statement indicating the whereabouts or likely whereabouts of the child in the State addressed; RTf. proposals as to how the custody of the child should be restored. R2. The documents mentioned above shall, where necessary, be accompanied by a translation according to the provisions laid down in Article 6. vdArticle 14 REach Contracting State shall apply a simple and expeditious procedure for recognition and enforcement of decisions relating to the custody of a child. To that end it shall ensure that a request for enforcement may be lodged by simple application. vdArticle 15 R1. Before reaching a decision under paragraph 1.b of Article 10, the authority concerned in the State addressed: RTa. shall ascertain the child's views unless this is impracticable having regard in particular to his age and understanding; and RTb. may request that any appropriate enquiries be carried out. R2. The cost of enquiries in any Con#k( % %FFԮtracting State shall be met by the authorities of the State where they are carried out. RRequests for enquiries and the results of enquiries may be sent to the authority concerned through the central authorities. vdArticle 16 RFor the purposes of this Convention, no legalisation or any like formality may be required. fPART IV c Reservations ă vdArticle 17 R1. A Contracting State may make a reservation that, in cases covered by Articles 8 and 9 or either of these Articles, recognition and enforcement of decisions relating to custody may be refused on such of the grounds provided under Article 10 as may be specified in the reservation. R2. Recognition and enforcement of decisions given in a Contracting State which has made the reservation provided for in paragraph 1 of this Article may be refused in any other Contracting State on any of the additional grounds referred to in that reservation. vdArticle 18 RA Contracting State may make a reservation that it shall not be bound by the provisions of Article 12. The provisions of this Convention shall not apply to decisions referred to in Article 12 which have been given in a Contracting State which has made such a reservation. fPART V a Other instruments ă vdArticle 19 RThis Convention shall not exclude the possibility of relying on any other in#k( % %FFԮternational instrument in force between the State of origin and the State addressed or on any other law of the State addressed not derived from an international agreement for the purpose of obtaining recognition or enforcement of a decision. vdArticle 20 R1. This Convention shall not affect any obligations which a Contracting State may have towards a noncontracting State under an international instrument dealing with matters governed by this Convention. R2. When two or more Contracting States have enacted uniform laws in relation to custody of children or created a special system of recognition or enforcement of decisions in this field, or if they should do so in the future, they shall be free to apply, between themselves, those laws or that system in place of this Convention or any part of it. In order to avail themselves of this provision the States shall notify their decision to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe. Any alteration or revocation of this decision must also be notified. fPART VI c Final clauses ă vdArticle 21 RThis Convention shall be open for signature by the member States of the Council of Europe. It is subject to ratification, acceptance or approval. Instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval shall be deposited with the Secretary General of the Council of Europe. vdArticle 22 Rl. This Convention shall enter into force on the first day of the month fol#k( % %FFԮlowing the expiration of a period of three months after the date on which three member States of the Council of Europe have expressed their consent to be bound by the Convention in accordance with the provisions of Article 21. R2. In respect of any member State which subsequently expresses its consent to be bound by it, the Convention shall enter into force on the first day of the month following the expiration of a period of three months after the date of the deposit of the instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval. vdArticle 23 R1. After the entry into force of this Convention, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe may invite any State not a member of the Council to accede to this Convention, by a decision taken by the majority provided for by Article 20.d of the Statute and by the unanimous vote of the representatives of the Contracting States entitled to sit on the Committee. R2. In respect of any acceding State, the Convention shall enter into force on the first day of the month following the expiration of a period of three months after the date of deposit of the instrument of accession with the Secretary General of the Council of Europe. vdArticle 24 R1. Any State may at the time of signature or when depositing its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, specify the territory or territories to which this Convention shall apply. R2. Any State may at any later date, by a declaration addressed to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, extend the application of this Convention to any other territory specified in the#k( % %FF declaration. In respect of such territory, the Convention shall enter into force on the first day of the month following the expiration of a period of three months after the date of receipt by the Secretary General of such declaration. R3. Any declaration made under the two preceding paragraphs may, in respect of any territory specified in such declaration, be withdrawn by a notification addressed to the Secretary General. The withdrawal shall become effective on the first day of the month following the expiration of a period of six months after the date of receipt of such notification by the Secretary General. vdArticle 25 Rl. A State which has two or more territorial units in which different systems of law apply in matters of custody of children and of recognition and enforcement of decisions relating to custody may, at the time of signature or when depositing its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, declare that this Convention shall apply to all its territorial units or to one or more of them. R2. Such a State may at any later date, by a declaration addressed to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, extend the application of this Convention to any other territorial unit specified in the declaration. In respect of such territorial unit the Convention shall enter into force on the first day of the month following the expiration of a period of three months after the date of receipt by the Secretary General of such declaration. R3. Any declaration made under the two preceding paragraphs may, in respect of any territorial unit specified in such declaration, be withdrawn by notification addressed to the Secretary Gen#k( % %FFԮeral. The withdrawal shall become effective on the first day of the month following the expiration of a period of six months after the date of receipt of such notification by the Secretary General. vdArticle 26 Rl. In relation to a State which has in matters of custody two or more systems of law of territorial application: RTa. reference to the law of a person's habitual residence or to the law of a person's nationality shall be construed as referring to the system of law determined by the rules in force in that State or, if there are no such rules, to the system of law with which the person concerned is most closely connected;    оRTb. reference to the State of origin or to the State addressed shall be construed as referring, as the case may be, to the territorial unit where the decision was given or to the territorial unit where recognition or enforcement of the decision or restoration of custody is requested. R2. Paragraph l.a of this Article also applies mutatis mutandis to States which have in matters of custody two or more systems of law of personal application. vdArticle 27 Rl. Any State may, at the time of signature or when depositing its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, declare that it avails itself of one or more of the reservations provided for in paragraph 3 of Article 6, Article 17 and Article 18 of this Convention. No other reservation may be made. R2. Any Contracting State which has made a reservation under the preceding paragraph may wholly or partly withdraw it by means of a notification ad#k( % %FFԮdressed to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe. The withdrawal shall take effect on the date of receipt of such notification by the Secretary General. vdArticle 28 RAt the end of the third year following the date of the entry into force of this Convention and, on his own initiative, at any time after this date, the Secretary General of the Council of Europe shall invite the representatives of the central authorities appointed by the Contracting States to meet in order to study and to facilitate the functioning of the Convention. Any member State of the Council of Europe not being a party to the Conven   оtion may be represented by an observer. A report shall be prepared on the work of each of these meetings and forwarded to the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe for information. vdArticle 29 Rl. Any Party may at any time denounce this Convention by means of a notification addressed to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe. R2. Such denunciation shall become effective on the first day of the month following the expiration of a period of six months after the date of receipt of the notification by the Secretary General. vdArticle 30 RThe Secretary General of the Council of Europe shall notify the member States of the Council and any State which has acceded to this Convention, of: RTa. any signature; RTb. the deposit of any instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession; RTc. any date of entry into force of this"P'##FF Convention in accordance with Articles 22, 23, 24 and 25; RTd. any other act, notification or communication relating to this Convention. RIn witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorised thereto, have signed this Convention. RDone at Luxembourg, the 20th day of May 1980, in English and French, both texts being equally authentic, in a single copy which shall be deposited in the archives of the Council of Europe. The Secretary General of the Council of Europe shall transmit certified copies to each member State of the Council of Europe and to any State invited to accede to this Convention. d CONVENTION _on the Civil Aspects Yof International Child Abduction ă RThe States signatory to the present Convention, RFirmly convinced that the interests of children are of paramount importance in matters relating to their custody, RDesiring to protect children internationally from the harmful effects of their wrongful removal or retention and to establish procedures to ensure their prompt return to the State of their habitual residence, as well as to secure protection for rights of access, RHave resolved to conclude a Convention to this effect, and have agreed upon the following provisions: eCHAPTER I '^ Scope of the Convention ă#k( % %FFԌeArticle 1 RThe objects of the present Convention are: a)Tto secure the prompt return of children wrongfully removed to or retained in any Contracting State; andƷ b)Tto ensure that rights of custody and of access under the law of one Contracting State are effectively respected in the other Contracting States.Ʒ eArticle 2 RContracting States shall take all appropriate measures to secure within their territories the implementation of the objects of the Convention. For this purpose they shall use the most expeditious procedures available. eArticle 3 RThe removal or the retention of a child is to be considered wrongful where: a)Tit is in breach of rights of custody attributed to a person, an institution or any other body, either jointly or alone, under the law of the State in which the child was habitually resident immediately before the removal or retention; andƷ b)Tat the time of removal or retention those rights were actually exercised, either jointly or alone, or would have been so exercised but for the removal or retention.Ʒ RThe rights of custody mentioned in subparagraph a) above, may arise in particular by operation of law or by reason of a judicial or administrative decision, or by reason of an agreement having legal effect under the law of that State. eArticle 4#k( % %FFԌRThe Convention shall apply to any child who was habitually resident in a Contracting State immediately before any breach of custody or access rights. The Convention shall cease to apply when the child attains the age of 16 years. eArticle 5 RFor the purposes of this Convention: a)T`rights of custody' shall include rights relating to the care of the person of the child and, in particular, the right to determine the child's place of residence;Ʒ b)T`rights of access' shall include the right to take a child for a limited period of time to a place other than the child's habitual residence.Ʒ dCHAPTER II ` Central Authorities ă eArticle 6 RA Contracting State shall designate a Central Authority to discharge the duties which are imposed by the Convention upon such authorities. RFederal States, States with more than one system of law or States having autonomous territorial organizations shall be free to appoint more than one Central Authority and to specify the territorial extent their powers. Where a State has appointed more than one Central Authority, it shall designate the Central Authority to which applications may be addressed for transmission to the appropriate Central Authority within that State. eArticle 7 RCentral Authorities shall cooperate with each other and promote cooperation amongst the competent authorities in their respective State to secure the prompt return of children and to achieve#k( % %FF the other objects of this Convention. RIn particular, either directly or through any intermediary, they shall take all appropriate measures: a)Tto discover the whereabouts of a child who has been wrongfully removed or retained;Ʒ b)Tto prevent further harm to the child or prejudice to interested parties by taking or causing to be taken provisional measures;Ʒ c)Tto secure the voluntary return of the child or to bring about an amicable resolution of the issues;Ʒ d)Tto exchange, where desirable, information relating to the social background of the child;Ʒ e)Tto provide information of a general character as to the law of their State in connection with the application of the Convention;Ʒ f)Tto initiate or facilitate the institution of judicial or administrative proceedings with a view to obtaining the return of the child and, in a proper case, to make arrangements for organizing or securing the effective exercise of rights of access;Ʒ g)Twhere the circumstances so require, to provide or facilitate the provision of legal aid and advice, including the participation of legal counsel and advisers;Ʒ h)Tto provide such administrative arrangements as may be necessary and appropriate to secure the safe return of the child;Ʒ i)Tto keep each other informed with respect to the operation of this Convention and, as far as possible, to eliminate any obstacles to its application.Ʒ #k( % %FFԌdCHAPTER III ` Return of children ă eArticle 8 RAny person, institution or other body claiming that a child has been removed or retained in breach of custody rights may apply either to the Central Authority of the child's habitual residence or to the Central Authority of any other Contracting State for assistance in securing the return of the child. RThe application shall contain: a)Tinformation concerning the identity of the applicant, of the child and of the person alleged to have removed or retained the child;Ʒ b)Twhere available, the date of birth of the child;Ʒ c)Tthe grounds on which the applicant's claim for return of the child is based;Ʒ d)Tall available information relating to the whereabouts of the child and the identity of the person with whom the child is presumed to be.Ʒ RThe application may be accompanied or supplemented by: e)Tan authenticated copy of any relevant decision or agreement;Ʒ f)Ta certificate or an affidavit emanating from a Central Authority, or other competent authority of the State of the child's habitual residence, or from a qualified person, concerning the relevant law of that State;Ʒ g)Tany other relevant document.Ʒ eArticle 9 RIf the Central Authority which receives an application referred to in Article 8 has reason to believe that the child is in another Contracting State, it#k( % %FF shall directly and without delay transmit the application to the Central Authority of that Contracting State and inform the requesting Central Authority, or the applicant, as the case may be. vdArticle 10 RThe Central Authority of the State where the child is shall take or cause to be taken all appropriate measures in order to obtain the voluntary return of the child. vdArticle 11 RThe judicial or administrative authorities of Contracting States shall act expeditiously in proceedings for the return of children. RIf the judicial or administrative authority concerned has not reached a decision within six weeks from the date of commencement of the proceedings, the applicant or the Central Authority of the requested State, on its own initiative or if asked by the Central Authority of the requesting State, shall have the right to request a statement of the reasons for the delay. If a reply is received by the Central Authority of the requested State, that Authority shall transmit the reply to the Central Authority of the requesting State, or to the applicant, as the case may be. vdArticle 12 RWhere a child has been wrongfully removed or retained in terms of Article 3 and, at the date of the commencement of the proceedings before the judicial or administrative authority of the Contracting State where the child is, a period of less than one year has elapsed from the date of the wrongful removal or retention, the authority concerned shall order the return of the child forthwith. #k( % %FFԌRThe judicial or administrative authority, even where the proceedings have been commenced after the expiration of the period of one year referred to in the preceding paragraph, shall also order the return of the child, unless it is demonstrated that the child is now settled in its new environment. RWhere the judicial or administrative authority in the requested State has reason to believe that the child has been taken to another State, it may stay the proceedings or dismiss the application for the return of the child. vdArticle 13 RNotwithstanding the provisions of the preceding Article, the judicial or administrative authority of the requested State is not bound to order the return of the child if the person, institution or other body which opposes its return establishes that: a)Tthe person institution or other body having the care of the person of the child was not actually exercising the custody rights at the time of removal or retention, or had consented to or subsequently acquiesced in the removal or retention; orƷ b)Tthere is a grave risk that his or her return would expose the child to physical or psychological harm or otherwise place the child in an intolerable situation.Ʒ RThe judicial or administrative authority may also refuse to order the return of the child if it finds that the child objects to being returned and has attained an age and degree of maturity at which it is appropriate to take account of its views. RIn considering the circumstances referred to in this Article, the judicial and administrative authorities shall take into account the information relating to the social background of the child provided#k( % %FF by the Central Authority or other competent authority of the child's habitual residence. vdArticle 14 RIn ascertaining whether there has been a wrongful removal or retention within the meaning of Article 3, the judicial or administrative authorities of the requested State may take notice directly of the law of, and of judicial or administrative decisions, formally recognized or not in the State of the habitual residence of the child, without recourse to the specific procedures for the proof of that law or for the recognition of foreign decisions which would otherwise be applicable. vdArticle 15 RThe judicial or administrative authorities of a Contracting State may, prior to the making of an order for the return of the child request that the applicant obtain from the authorities of the State of the habitual residence of the child a decision    оor other determination that the removal or retention was wrongful within the meaning of Article 3 of the Convention, where such a decision or determination may be obtained in that State. The Central Authorities of the Contracting States shall so far as practicable assist applicants to obtain such a decision or determination. vdArticle 16 RAfter receiving notice of a wrongful removal or retention of a child in the sense of Article 3, the judicial or administrative authorities of the Contracting State to which the child has been removed or in which it has been retained shall not decide on the merits of rights of custody until it has been determined that the child is not to be#k( % %FF returned under this Convention or unless an application under this Convention is not lodged within a reasonable time following receipt of the notice. vdArticle 17 RThe sole fact that a decision relating to custody has been given in or is entitled to recognition in the requested State shall not be a ground for refusing to return a child under this Convention, but the judicial or administrative authorities of the requested State may take account of the reasons for that decision in applying this Convention. vdArticle 18 RThe provisions of this Chapter do not limit the power of a judicial or administrative authority to order the return of the child at any time. vdArticle 19 RA decision under this Convention concerning the return of the child shall not be taken to be a determination on the merits of any custody issue.    оvdArticle 20 RThe return of the child under the provisions of Article 12 may be refused if this would not be permitted by the fundamental principles of the requested State relating to the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms. dCHAPTER IV xa Rights of access ă vdArticle 21 RAn application to make arrangements for organizing or securing the effective exercise of rights of access may be presented to the Central Authorities of the Contracting States in the same way as an application for the return of a child. RThe Central Authorities are bound by the obligations of cooperation which arez$()%%FF set forth in Article 7 to promote the peaceful enjoyment of access rights and the fulfilment of any conditions to which the exercise of those rights may be subject. The Central Authorities shall take steps to remove, as far as possible, all obstacles to the exercise of such rights. RThe Central Authorities, either directly or through intermediaries, may initiate or assist in the institution of proceedings with a view to organizing or protecting these rights and securing respect for the conditions to which the exercise of these rights may be subject. eCHAPTER V ` General provisions ă vdArticle 22 RNo security, bond or deposit, however described, shall be required to guarantee the payment of costs and expenses in the judicial or administrative proceedings falling within the scope of this Convention. vdArticle 23 RNo legalization or similar formality may be required in the context of this Convention. vdArticle 24 RAny application, communication or other document sent to the Central Authority of the requested State shall be in the original language, and shall be accompanied by a translation into the official language or one of the official languages of the requested State or, where that is not feasible, a translation into French or English. RHowever, a Contracting State may, by making a reservation in accordance with Article 42, object to the use of either French or English, but not both, in any application, communication or other do#k( % %FFԮcument sent to its Central Authority. vdArticle 25 RNationals of the Contracting States and persons who are habitually resident within those States shall be entitled in matters concerned with the application of this Convention to legal aid and advice in any other Contracting State on the same conditions as if they themselves were nationals of and habitually resident in that State. vdArticle 26 REach Central Authority shall bear its own costs in applying this Convention. RCentral Authorities and other public services of Contracting States shall not impose any charges in relation to applications submitted under this Convention. In particular, they may not require any payment from the applicant towards the costs and expenses of the proceedings or, where applicable, those arising from the participation of legal counsel or advisers. However, they may require the payment of the expenses incurred or to be incurred in implementing the return of the child. RHowever, a Contracting State may, by making a reservation in accordance with Article 42, declare that it shall not be bound to assume any costs referred to in the preceding paragraph resulting from the participation of legal counsel or advisers or from court proceedings, except insofar as those costs may be covered by its system of legal aid and advice. RUpon ordering the return of a child or issuing an order concerning rights of access under this Convention, the judicial or administrative authorities may, where appropriate, direct the person who removed or retained the child, or who pre#k( % %FFԮvented the exercise of rights of access, to pay necessary expenses incurred by or on behalf of the applicant, including travel expenses, any costs incurred or payments made for locating the child, the costs of legal representation of the applicant, and those of returning the child. vdArticle 27 RWhen it is manifest that the requirements of this Convention are not fulfilled or that the application is otherwise not well founded, a Central Authority is not bound to accept the application. In that case, the Central Authority shall forthwith inform the applicant or the Central Authority through which the application was submitted, as the case may be, of its reasons. vdArticle 28 RA Central Authority may require that the application be accompanied by a written authorization empowering it to act on behalf of the applicant, or to designate a representative so to act. vdArticle 29 RThis Convention shall not preclude any person, institution or body who claims that there has been a breach of custody or access rights within the meaning of Article 3 or 21 from applying directly to the judicial or administrative authorities of a Contracting State, whether or not under the provisions of this Convention. vdArticle 30 RAny application submitted to the Central Authorities or directly to the judicial or administrative authorities of a Contracting State in accordance with the terms of this Convention, together with# k( % %FF documents and any other information appended thereto or provided by a Central Authority, shall be admissible in the courts or administrative authorities of the Contracting States. vdArticle 31 RIn relation to a State which in matters of custody of children has two or more systems of law applicable in different territorial units: a)Tany reference to habitual residence in that State shall be construed as referring to habitual residence in a territorial unit of that State;Ʒ b)Tany reference to the law of the State of habitual residence shall be construed as referring to the law of the territorial unit in that State where the child habitually resides.Ʒ vdArticle 32 RIn relation to a State which in matters of custody of children has two or more systems of law applicable to different categories of persons, any reference to the law of that State shall be construed as referring to the legal system specified by the law of that State. vdArticle 33 RA State within which different territorial units have their own rules of law in respect of custody of children shall not be bound to apply this Convention where a State with a unified system of law would not be bound to do so. vdArticle 34 RThis Convention shall take priority in matters within its scope over the Convention of 5 October 1961 concerning the powers of authorities and the law applicable in respect of the protection of minors, as between Parties to both Conventions. Otherwise the present#!k( % %FF Convention shall not restrict the application of an International instrument in force between the State of origin and the State addressed or other law of the State addressed for the purposes of obtaining the return of a child who has been wrongfully removed or retained or of organizing access rights. vdArticle 35 RThis Convention shall apply as between Contracting States only to wrongful removals or retentions occurring after its entry into force in those States. RWhere a declaration has been made under Article 39 or 40, the reference in the preceding paragraph to a Contracting State shall be taken to refer to the territorial unit or units in relation to which this Convention applies. vdArticle 36 RNothing in this Convention shall prevent two or more Contracting States, in order to limit the restrictions to which the return of the child may be subject, from agreeing among themselves to derogate from any provisions of this Convention which may imply such a restriction. dCHAPTER VI c Final clauses ă vdArticle 37 RThe Convention shall be open for signature by the States which were Members of the Hague Conference on Private International Law at the time of its Fourteenth Session. RIt shall be ratified, accepted or approved and the instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval shall be deposited with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.#"k( % %FFԌvdArticle 38 RAny other State may accede to the Convention. RThe instrument of accession shall be deposited with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. RThe Convention shall enter into force for a State acceding to it on the first day of the third calendar month after the deposit of its instrument of accession. RThe accession will have effect only as regards the relations between the acceding State and such Contracting States as will have declared their acceptance of the accession. Such a declaration will also have to be made by any Member State ratifying, accepting or approving the Convention after an accession. Such declaration shall be deposited at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands; this Ministry shall forward, through diplomatic channels, a certified copy to each of the Contracting States. RThe Convention will enter into force as between the acceding State and the State that has declared its acceptance of the accession on the first day of the third calendar month after the deposit of the declaration of acceptance. vdArticle 39 RAny State may, at the time of signature, ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, declare that the Convention shall extend to all the territories for the international relations of which it is responsible, or to one or more of them. Such a declaration shall take effect at the time the Convention enters into force for that State. RSuch declaration, as well as any subsequent extension, shall be notified to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.##k( % %FFԌvdArticle 40 RIf a Contracting State has two or more territorial units in which different systems of law are applicable in relation to matters dealt with in this Convention, it may at the time of signature, ratification, acceptance, approval or accession declare that this Convention shall extend to all its territorial units or only to one or more of them and may modify this declaration by submitting another declaration at any time. RAny such declaration shall be notified to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and shall state expressly the territorial units to which the Convention applies. vdArticle 41 RWhere a Contracting State has a system of government under which executive, judicial and legislative powers are distributed between central and other authorities within that State, its signature or ratification, acceptance or approval of, or accession to this Convention, or its making of any declaration in terms of Article 40 shall carry no implication as to the internal distribution of powers within that State. vdArticle 42 RAny State may, not later than the time of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, or at the time of making a declaration in terms of Article 39 or 40, make one or both of the reservations provided for in Article 24 and Article 26, third paragraph. No other reservation shall be permitted. RAny State may at any time withdraw a reservation it has made. The withdrawal shall be notified to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. RThe reservation shall cease to have ef#$k( % %FFԮfect on the first day of the third calendar month after the notification referred to in the preceding paragraph. vdArticle 43 RThe Convention shall enter into force on the first day of the third calendar month after the deposit of the third instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession referred to in Articles 37 and 38. RThereafter the Convention shall enter into force: (1)T{{Ufor each State ratifying, accepting, approving or acceding to it subsequently, on the first day of the third calendar month after the deposit of its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession;Ʒ{ (2)T{{Ufor any territory or territorial unit to which the Convention has been extended in conformity with Article 39 or 40, on the first day of the third calendar month after the notification referred to in that Article.Ʒ{ vdArticle 44 RThe Convention shall remain in force for five years from the date of its entry into force in accordance with the first paragraph of Article 43 even for States which subsequently have ratified, accepted, approved it or acceded to it. RIf there has been no denunciation, it shall be renewed tacitly every five years. RAny denunciation shall be notified to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands at least six months before the expiry of the five year period. It may be limited to certain of the territories or territorial units to which the Convention applies. RThe denunciation shall have effect#%k( % %FF only as regards the State which has notified it. The Convention shall remain in force for the other Contracting States. vdArticle 45 RThe Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands shall notify the States Members of the Conference, and the States which have acceded in accordance with Article 38, of the following: (1)T{{Uthe signatures and ratifications, acceptances and approvals referred to in Article 37;Ʒ{ (2)T{{Uthe accessions referred to in Article 38;Ʒ{ (3)T{{Uthe date on which the Convention enters into force in accordance with Article 43;Ʒ{ (4)T{{Uthe extensions referred to in Article 39;Ʒ{ (5)T{{Uthe declarations referred to in Articles 38 and 40;Ʒ{ (6)T{{Uthe reservations referred to in Article 24 and Article 26, third paragraph, and the withdrawals referred to in Article 42;Ʒ{ (7)T{{Uthe denunciations referred to in Article 44.Ʒ{ RIn witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorised thereto, have signed this Convention. RDone at The Hague, on the 25th day of October, 1980, in the English and French languages, both texts being equally authentic, in a single copy which shall be deposited in the archives of the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and of which a certified copy shall be sent, through diplomatic channels, to each of the States Members of the Hague Conference on Private International Law at the date of its Fourteenth Session.