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150. löggjafarþing 2019–2020.
Þingskjal 2149  —  977. mál.


utanríkis- og þróunarsamvinnuráðherra við fyrirspurn frá Ingu Sæland um sendiráð og ræðismenn Íslands.

     1.      Í hvaða erlendu ríkjum og ríkjasamböndum er Ísland með sendiráð og hvenær voru þau stofnuð?
          Sendiráð Íslands í Berlín, stofnað 1952.
          Sendiráð Íslands í Brussel, stofnað 1967.
          Sendiráð Íslands í Helsinki, stofnað 1997.
          Sendiráð Íslands í Kampala, stofnað 2004.
          Sendiráð Íslands í Kaupmannahöfn, stofnað 1920.
          Sendiráð Íslands í Lilongwe, stofnað 1989.
          Sendiráð Íslands í London, stofnað 1940.
          Sendiráð Íslands í Moskvu, stofnað 1944.
          Sendiráð Íslands í Nýju-Delí, stofnað 2006.
          Sendiráð Íslands í Ottawa, stofnað 2001.
          Sendiráð Íslands í Ósló, stofnað 1947.
          Sendiráð Íslands í París, stofnað 1946.
          Sendiráð Íslands í Peking, stofnað 1995.
          Sendiráð Íslands í Stokkhólmi, stofnað 1940.
          Sendiráð Íslands í Tókýó, stofnað 2001.
          Sendiráð Íslands í Washington DC, stofnað 1941.
          Fastanefnd Íslands í Genf, stofnuð 1970.
          Fastanefnd Íslands hjá Atlantshafsbandalaginu, stofnuð 1952.
          Fastanefnd Íslands Evrópuráðsins í Strassborg, stofnuð 2020.
          Fastanefnd Íslands í Róm, stofnuð 2010.
          Fastanefnd Íslands í New York, stofnuð 1965.
          Fastanefnd Íslands í Vín, stofnuð 1999.
          Aðalræðisskrifstofa Íslands í New York, stofnuð 1940.
          Aðalræðisskrifstofa Íslands í Nuuk, stofnuð 2013.
          Aðalræðisskrifstofa Íslands í Winnipeg, stofnuð 1999.
          Aðalræðisskrifstofa Íslands í Þórshöfn, stofnuð 2007.

     2.      Hverjir eru sendiherrar Íslands í sendiráðum í einstökum ríkjum og ríkjasamböndum og hvenær hófu þeir störf í viðkomandi sendiráðum?
          María Erla Marelsdóttir, sendiherra Íslands í Berlín, hóf störf þar árið 2019.
          Kristján Andri Stefánsson, sendiherra Íslands í Brussel, hóf störf þar árið 2020.
          Harald Aspelund, fastafulltrúi Íslands í Genf, hóf störf þar árið 2017.
          Auðunn Atlason, sendiherra Íslands í Helsinki, hóf störf þar árið 2020.
          Þórdís Sigurðardóttir, forstöðumaður sendiráðsins í Kampala, hóf störf þar árið 2020.
          Helga Hauksdóttir, sendiherra Íslands í Kaupmannahöfn, hóf störf þar árið 2019.
          Inga Dóra Pétursdóttir, forstöðumaður sendiráðsins í Lilongwe, hóf störf þar árið 2020.
          Stefán Haukur Jóhannesson, sendiherra Íslands í London, hóf störf þar árið 2017.
          Árni Þór Sigurðsson, sendiherra Íslands í Moskvu, hóf störf þar árið 2020.
          Pétur Ásgeirsson, sendiherra Íslands í Ottawa, hóf störf þar árið 2017.
          Ingibjörg Davíðsdóttir, sendiherra Íslands í Osló, hóf störf þar árið 2019.
          Unnur Orradóttir Ramette, sendiherra Íslands í París, hóf störf þar árið 2020.
          Gunnar Snorri Gunnarsson, sendiherra Íslands í Peking, hóf störf þar árið 2018.
          Hannes Heimisson, sendiherra Íslands í Stokkhólmi, hóf störf þar árið 2020.
          Elín Flygenring, sendiherra Íslands í Tókýó, hóf störf þar árið 2018.
          Bergdís Ellertsdóttir, sendiherra Íslands í Washington, hóf störf þar árið 2019.
          Hermann Örn Ingólfsson, fastafulltrúi í fastanefnd Íslands hjá Atlantshafsbandalaginu í Brussel, hóf störf þar árið 2019.
          Ragnhildur Arnljótsdóttir, fastafulltrúi í fastanefnd Íslands hjá Evrópuráðinu í Strassborg, hóf störf þar árið 2020.
          Stefán Jón Hafstein, fastafulltrúi í fastanefnd Íslands í Róm, hóf störf þar árið 2018.
          Jörundur Valtýsson, fastafulltrúi í fastanefnd Íslands í New York, hóf störf þar árið 2019.
          Guðni Bragason, fastafulltrúi í fastanefnd Íslands í Vín, hóf störf þar árið 2018.
          Hlynur Guðjónsson, aðalræðismaður á aðalræðisskrifstofunni í New York, hóf störf þar árið 2014.
          Þorbjörn Jónsson, aðalræðismaður á aðalræðisskrifstofunni í Nuuk, hóf störf þar árið 2019.
          Guðmundur Árni Stefánsson, aðalræðismaður á aðalræðisskrifstofunni í Winnipeg, hóf störf þar árið 2020.
          Benedikt Jónsson, aðalræðismaður á aðalræðisskrifstofunni í Þórshöfn, hóf störf þar árið 2019.

     3.      Hver er starfsmannafjöldi hvers sendiráðs Íslands?
    Ísland er með 26 sendiskrifstofur í 21 landi. Stöðugildi í sendiskrifstofum erlendis eru 150,5, þar af eru 60 útsendir diplómatar, 8 sérfræðingar frá öðrum ráðuneytum. Sjá nánari upplýsingar í fylgiskjali I.

     4.      Hvernig hefur starfsmannafjöldi hvers sendiráðs Íslands í ríki eða ríkjasambandi þróast frá stofnun þess?
    Þróun starfsmannafjölda á sendiskrifstofum Íslands tekur mið af stefnu ríkisstjórnar í utanríkismálum og þeim málum sem eru í brennidepli á hverjum tíma. Fjöldi útsendra starfsmanna á sendiskrifstofu er mjög breytilegur eftir umfangi málefna og að teknu tilliti til starfs alþjóðastofnana þar sem um slíkt ræðir. Á minnstu sendiskrifstofum er einn útsendur starfsmaður en á þeim stærstu um 6–7. Því til viðbótar starfa staðarráðnir starfsmenn á hverjum stað, m.a. að stoðþjónustuverkefnum, borgaraþjónustu, sem viðskiptafulltrúar og almennir starfsmenn.

     5.      Í hvaða ríkjum og ríkjasamböndum er Ísland með ræðismenn?
    Ísland er með 216 kjörræðismenn í 84 löndum. Sjá nánari upplýsingar í fylgiskjali II.

     6.      Hverjir eru ræðismenn Íslands og hvenær hófu þeir störf?
    Sjá fylgiskjal II.

    Alls fóru sex vinnustundir í að taka þetta svar saman.

Fylgiskjal I.

Listi yfir sendiskrifstofur.

Sendiskrifstofa Starfsmannafjöldi Staða Nafn Hóf störf
1 Sendiráð Íslands í Berlín 8 Sendiherra María Erla Marelsdóttir 2019
2 Sendiráð Íslands í Brussel 18 Sendiherra Kristján Andri Stefánsson 2020
3 Fastanefnd í Genf 7 Sendiherra Harald Aspelund 2017
4 Sendiráð í Helsinki 5 Sendiherra Auðunn Atlason 2020
5 Sendiráð í Kampala 9,5 Forstöðumaður sendiráðs Þórdís Sigurðardóttir 2020
6 Sendiráð í Kaupmannahöfn 6 Sendiherra Helga Hauksdóttir 2019
7 Sendiráð í Lilongwe 9 Forstöðumaður sendiráðs Inga Dóra Pétursdóttir 2020
8 Sendiráð í London 8 Sendiherra Stefán Haukur Jóhannesson 2017
9 Sendiráð í Moskvu 6 Sendiherra Árni Þór Sigurðsson 2020
10 Sendiráð í Nýju-Delí 7 Sendiherra
11 Sendiráð í Ottawa 3 Sendiherra Pétur Ásgeirsson 2017
12 Sendiráð í Osló 4 Sendiherra Ingibjörg Davíðsdóttir 2019
13 Sendiráð í París 8 Sendiherra Unnur Orradóttir Ramette 2020
14 Sendiráð í Peking 11 Sendiherra Gunnar Snorri Gunnarsson 2018
15 Sendiráð í Stokkhólmi 4 Sendiherra Hannes Heimisson 2020
16 Sendiráð í Tókýó 5 Sendiherra Elín Flygenring 2018
17 Sendiráð í Washington DC 6 Sendiherra Bergdís Ellertsdóttir 2019
18 Fastanefnd hjá Atlantshafsbandalaginu, Brussel 6 Fastafulltrúi Hermann Örn Ingólfsson 2019
19 Fastanefnd hjá Evrópuráðinu, Strassborg 2 Fastafulltrúi Ragnhildur Arnljótsdóttir 2020
20 Fastanefnd Íslands í Róm 1 Fastafulltrúi Stefán Jón Hafstein 2018
21 Fastanefnd í New York 8 Fastafulltrúi Jörundur Valtýsson 2019
22 Fastanefnd í Vín 2 Fastafulltrúi Guðni Bragason 2018
23 Aðalræðisskrifstofa í New York 2 Aðalræðismaður Hlynur Guðjónsson 2014
24 Aðalræðisskrifstofa í Nuuk 1,5 Aðalræðismaður Þorbjörn Jónsson 2019
25 Aðalræðisskrifstofa í Winnipeg 2 Aðalræðismaður Guðmundur Árni Stefánsson 2020
26 Aðalræðisskrifstofa í Þórshöfn 2,5 Aðalræðismaður Benedikt Jónsson 2019

Fylgiskjal II.

Kjörræðismenn, starfsaldur.

Titill Nafn Borg Land Skipun
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Isuf Berberi 1010 Tirana ALBANIA 2007
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Gabriel Espelleta AD 200 Encamp ANDORRA 2020
Honorary Consul General of Iceland Mr Daniel Koltonski C1429BMY Buenos Aires ARGENTINA 1988
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Levon Hayrapetyan 0002 Yerevan ARMENIA Beðið eftir samþykki Armeníu
Honorary Consul General of Iceland Ms Inga Árnadóttir Melbourne, VIC 3122 AUSTRALIA 1997
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr James Baldvin Douglas Sydney, NSW 2060 AUSTRALIA 2016
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Erik Eibl AT-5020 Salzburg AUSTRIA 1994
Honorary Vice Consul of Iceland Ms Elisabeth Schubrig AT-1010 Wien AUSTRIA 2006
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Alfred Schubrig AT-1010 Wien AUSTRIA 1988
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Clement T. Maynard, III Nassau BAHAMAS, THE 2000
Honorary Consul of Iceland Ms Samira Rahman Ali Dhaka 1229 BANGLADESH 2014
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Alexander Moshensky BY-220004 Minsk BELARUS 2005
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Vincent Bovy BE-4053 Embourg BELGIUM 2004
Honorary Consul General of Iceland Mr Tom M. Ringseth BR-22210-903 Rio de Janeiro - RJ BRAZIL 1991
Honorary Consul General of Iceland Mr Leonardo L. Morato BR-04543-011 Sao Paulo BRAZIL 2013
Honorary Consul of Iceland Ms Tzvetelina Borislavova-Karaguiozova BG-1000 Sofia BULGARIA 2006
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Hallgrímur Benediktsson Alberta, T2T 1K6 CANADA 2001
Honorary Consul General of Iceland Mr Stefan Glenn Sigurdson West Vancouver, B.C. V7S 1J5 CANADA 2017
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Robert L. Mellish Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2R7 CANADA 2007
Honorary Consul of Iceland Ms Marie Monreau Quebec G3B 0T6 CANADA 2007
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Gordon J. Reykdal Edmonton, Alberta T5S 1L2 CANADA 2002
Honorary Consul of Iceland Ms Laurie Michelle Brinklow Charlottetown, PE C1A 4P3 CANADA 2017
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Robert J. Hickey St. John's, Newfoundland A1C 5W4 CANADA 2007
Honorary Consul of Iceland Ms Jacqueline Anne Girouard Moncton, NB E1C 1E5 CANADA 2017
Honorary Consul General of Iceland Mr Adam Lance Kalbfleisch Toronto, Ontario M5X 1A4 CANADA 2017
Honorary Consul General of Iceland Mr Nicholas-Philippe Rémillard Montréal, Québec H3A 2L1 CANADA 2016
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Wilfred Heinrich Hintze Santiago CHILE 1992
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Henry CC Chan JP Hong Kong CHINA 2020
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Ricardo Castro Calvo San José COSTA RICA 1990
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Marin Filipovic HR-10000 Zagreb CROATIA 2013
Honorary Consul General of Iceland Mr Michael Psomas CY-2027 Stovolos, Nicosia CYPRUS 1989
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr George Psomas CY-2027 Stovolos, Nicosia CYPRUS 2009
Honorary Consul of Iceland Ms Klára Dvoráková CZ-180 00 Praha 8 CZECH REPUBLIC 2019
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Leif Hede-Nielsen DK-8700 Horsens DENMARK 1975
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Jørgen Enggaard DK-9230 Svenstrup DENMARK 1994
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Jørgen Hammer DK-3700 Rønne DENMARK 1998
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Flemming Rohde Nielsen DK-7400 Herning DENMARK 1998
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Torben Vesti Esbensen DK-6400 Sønderborg DENMARK 2011
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Carl Erik Skovgaard Sørensen DK-8000 Århus C DENMARK 2005
Honorary Consul of Iceland Ms Lone Johannessen Jørgensen DK-5250 Odense SV DENMARK 2018
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Henrik Ove Knudsen DK-8960 Randers SØ DENMARK 1998
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Peter Kirk Larsen DK-6700 Esbjerg DENMARK 2011
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Jacob M. Schousgaard DK-7700 Thisted DENMARK 2006
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr José Miladeh Jaar Santo Domingo DOMINICAN REPULBLIC 2000
Honorary Consul of Iceland Ms Julieta Muñoz 170523 Quito ECUADOR 2019
Honorary Consul of Iceland Ms Helen Tälli EE-10117 Tallinn ESTONIA 2016
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Nils-Erik Eklund Åland FINLAND 1993
Honorary Consul of Iceland Dr Lauri Lajunen FI-90560 Oulu FINLAND 2001
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Björn N.P. Palm FI-65101 Vasa FINLAND 2001
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Tero T. Ylinenpää FI-96330 Rovaniemi FINLAND 2016
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Jan R. Nygård FI-20100 Turku FINLAND 2014
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Michel Valette FR-69006 Lyon FRANCE 1995
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Guy Chambon FR-13008 Marseille FRANCE 1996
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Maurice Dumas-Lairolle FR-06300 Nice FRANCE 1989
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Antoine M. Darquey FR-33520 Bruges FRANCE 2010
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Xavier Leduc FR-62206 Boulogne-sur-Mer FRANCE 2016
Honorary Consul of Iceland Ms Steinunn Filippusdóttir Le Breton FR-14880 Colleville-Montgomery FRANCE 1996
Honorary Consul of Iceland Ms Solveen Dromson FR-67000 Strasbourg FRANCE 2020
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Aleksandre Gomiashvili GE-0179 Tbilisi GEORGIA 2017
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Friedrich N. Schwarz DE-81671 München GERMANY 1991
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Wolf-Rüdiger Dick DE-27453 Cuxhaven GERMANY 1982
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Detlef B.E. Thomaneck DE-18119 Rostock GERMANY 1994
Honorary Consul of Iceland Ms Bettina Adenauer-Bieberstein DE-50933 Köln GERMANY 2001
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Norbert Deiters DE-20095 Hamburg GERMANY 2005
Honorary Consul of Iceland Ms Petra Neykov DE-27572 Bremerhaven GERMANY 2019
Honorary Consul of Iceland Dr Roderich C. Thümmel DE-70182 Stuttgart GERMANY 2012
Honorary Consul of Iceland Dr Jens Uwe Säuberlich DE-60313 Frankfurt GERMANY 2015
Honorary Consul of Iceland Ms Anne Lundin GX11 1AA GIBRALTAR 2000
Honorary Consul General of Iceland Mr Yannis Lyberopoulos GR-14564 Athens GREECE 2009
Honorary Consul of Iceland Dr Rodrigo Montufar Guatemala City 01009 GUATEMALA 2003
Honorary Consul of Iceland Ms Julia Sánchez Colindres Tegucigalpa M.D.C. HONDUAS 2001
Honorary Consul General of Iceland Mr Ferenc Utassy HU-1126 Budapest HUNGARY 2000
Honorary Consul General of Iceland Mr Gul Kripalani Mumbai - 400 001 INDIA 2010
Honorary Consul General of Iceland Mr Kumaran Sitaraman Chennai - 600 096 INDIA 2012
Honorary Consul General of Iceland Mr Sharad Varma Kolkata - 700 017 INDIA 2017
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Maxi Gunawan Jakarta 12440 INDONESIA 2008
Honorary Consul General of Iceland Ms Ása Björk Ólafsdóttir IE-A96 P621 County Dublin IRELAND 2020
Honorary Consul General of Iceland Ms Orli Naschitz IL-6789717 Tel-Aviv ISRAEL 2011
Honorary Consul General of Iceland Mr Antonino Strano IT-98122 Messina ITALY 1983
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Attilio Codognato IT-30124 Venice ITALY 2004
Honorary Consul General of Iceland Mr Antonio La Rocca IT-00197 Roma ITALY 1979
Honorary Consul General of Iceland Ms Maria Cristina Rizzi IT-16124 Genoa ITALY 1988
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Gianluca Eminente IT-80122 Napoli ITALY 2001
Honorary Consul General of Iceland Ms Kristrun Olga Clausen IT-20122 Milano ITALY 1994
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Robert A. MacMillan Kingston 5 JAMAICA, WI 2002
Honorary Consul General of Iceland Mr Raijiro Nakabe JP 153-0061 Tokyo JAPAN 1976
Honorary Consul General of Iceland Mr Kanji Ohashi JP-604-8134 Kyoto JAPAN 2004
Honorary Consul of Iceland Ms Yuki Ikenobo JP-604-8134 Kyoto JAPAN 2011
Honorary Consul of Iceland Ms Adema Zhanassova 100000 Karaganda KAZAKHSTAN 2018
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Tom Wambua Nairobi KENYA 2019
Honorary Consul of Iceland Ms Ineta Rudzite LV-1050 Riga LATVIA 2014
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Viphet Sihachakr Vientiane LAOS, PDR 2019
Honorary Consul General of Iceland Ms Carla Jabre Fanar / Jdeidet-el-Metn, near Beirut LEBANON 2016
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Dalius Radis LT-08412 Vilnius LITHUANIA 2019
Honorary Consul General of Iceland Ms Josiane Eippers LU-8150 Bridel LUXEMBOURG 2013
Honorary Consul General of Iceland Mr James Khor MY-60000 Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA 2016
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Ibrahim Mohamed Didi Malé 20129 MALDIVES 2008
Honorary Consul General of Iceland Mr Maurice F. Mizzi Msida MALTA 1976
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Rafael Ruiz Moreno MX-24500 Campeche MEXICO 2000
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Michael Payne MC 98000 Monaco MONACO 2018
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Boldoo Magvan Ulaanbaatar 210 464 MONGOLIA 2008
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Dahman Derhem Tangier MOROCCO 2003
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Driss Benomar Casablanca 20200 MOROCCO 2003
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr José Manuel Caldeira Maputo MOZAMBIQUE 2002
Honorary Consul of Iceland Ms Bonita René de Silva Windhoek NAMIBIA 2017
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Mukunda Bhakta Shrestha Kathmandu NEPAL 1997
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Sigurgeir Pétursson Nelson NZ-7010 NEW ZEALAND 2004
Honorary Consul of Iceland Ms Iris Richter NZ-1081 Auckland NEW ZEALAND 2019
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Rodrigo Mantica Managua NICARAGUA 2004
Honorary Consul General of Iceland Mr Jacky Hathiramani Isolo, Lagos NIGERIA 2018
Honorary Consul of Iceland Ms Hanne Kristin Jakhelln NO-8001 Bodø NORWAY 2019
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Arne W. Aanensen NO-5525 Haugesund NORWAY 1998
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Kim F. Lingjærde NO-5003 Bergen NORWAY 2012
Honorary Consul of Iceland Ms Grete Wilsgaard NO-9256 Tromsö NORWAY 2016
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Are Opdahl NO-6002 Ålesund NORWAY 2005
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Sverre Bragdø-Ellenes NO-4610 Kristiansand NORWAY 2015
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Kent T.H. Ranum NO-7017 Trondheim NORWAY 2018
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Jonathan G.W. Sunnarvik NO-4391 Sandnes (Stavanger) NORWAY 2013
Honorary Consul General of Iceland Mr Bakhtiar Khan Karachi PAKISTAN 2011
Honorary Consul General of Iceland Mr Saad Mahmood Islamabad PAKISTAN 2011
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Alexander D. Psychoyos Panama City PANAMA 1985
Honorary Consul of Iceland Dr Augusto Arriola Lima 41 PERU 2000
Honorary Consul General of Iceland Ms Elizabeth T. Sy 1226 Makati City/Manila PHILIPPINES 2013
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Janusz Kahl PL-31-008 Krakow POLAND 2012
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Boguslaw Szemioth PL 00-759 Warsaw POLAND 2013
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Paulo Jervell PT-4050-603 Porto PORTUGAL 1987
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr António Carlos Vieira Ribau PT-3830-908 Gafanha da Nazaré PORTUGAL 2002
Honorary Consul of Iceland Ms Helena C.T. Guerra Dundas PT-2770-099 Paço D'Arcos PORTUGAL 1999
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Luis Eduardo García Feliú Puerto Rico 00966-3039 PUERTO RICO 2011
Honorary Vice Consul of Iceland Mr Hui Kim KR-133-100 Seoul REPUBLIC OF KOREA 1997
Honorary Consul General of Iceland Mr Hyun-Jin CHO 04348 Seoul REPUBLIC OF KOREA 2018
Honorary Consul of Iceland Ms Georgiana Pogonaru RO-020061 Bucharest ROMANIA 2007
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Vitaly P. Kasatkin RU-183016 Murmansk RUSSIA 2001
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Boris V. Ivanov RU-199178 St. Petersburg RUSSIA 2013
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Partha Protim Banerjee Mahé SEYCHELLES 2018
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Prakash Pillai Singapore SINGAPORE 2013
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Otto Halás SK-811 06 Bratislava SLOVAKIA 1995
Honorary Consul of Iceland Ms Erika Halasová SK-036 01 Martin SLOVAKIA 2019
Honorary Consul of Iceland Ms Sonja Smuc SI-1000 Ljubljana SLOVENIA 2019
Honorary Consul General of Iceland Dr Anna Theresa Mokgokong Pretoria 0081 SOUTH AFRICA 2016
Honorary Consul of Iceland Dr Diliza Mji Durban ZA-4037 SOUTH AFRICA 1999
Honorary Consul of Iceland Ms Ruth Gylfadóttir Cape Town, ZA-8000 SOUTH AFRICA 2008
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Javier Betancor Jorge ES-35002 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria SPAIN 2008
Honorary Consul General of Iceland Mr Inigo Ortega Urretavizcaya ES-28290 Las Rozas (Madrid) SPAIN 2019
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Per Dover Petersen ES-29640 Fuengirola (Málaga) SPAIN 1983
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Joaquin Gual de Torrella ES-07012 Palma de Mallorca SPAIN 2014
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr F. Javier Miralles Torija-Gascó ES-46004 Valencia SPAIN 1987
Honorary Consul of Iceland Ms Maria-José Bilbao ES-48940 Leioa/Bilbao SPAIN 2015
Honorary Consul General of Iceland Ms Sol Daurella Comadran ES-08017 Barcelona SPAIN 1992
Honorary Consul of Iceland Ms Astrid Helgadóttir ES-08017 Barcelona SPAIN 2019
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Manuel Zerón Sánchez ES-03189 Orihuela Costa SPAIN 2018
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Alejandro Hernández Alfageme ES-36390 Vigo (Pontevedra) SPAIN 2001
Honorary Consul of Iceland Ms Victoria Coronil Jónsson ES-41011 Sevilla SPAIN 2013
Honorary Consul of Iceland Ms Yolanda Campus Alcaraz ES-03503 Benidorm SPAIN 2018
Honorary Consul General of Iceland Mr Prakrama Sujan Wijewardene Colombo 2 SRI LANKA 2019
Honorary Consul of Iceland Ms Madeleine Ströje Wilkens SE 663 41 Hammerö SWEDEN 2011
Honorary Consul of Iceland Ms Ingibjörg Benediktsdóttir SE-236 32 Höllviken SWEDEN 2002
Honorary Consul General of Iceland Ms Christina Nilroth SE-412 52 Göteborg SWEDEN 2009
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Nicolas R.A. Koechlin CH-3011 Bern SWITZERLAND 2018
Honorary Consul General of Iceland Mr Ingmarus J.M. Snijders CH-8021 Zürich SWITZERLAND 2018
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Marc-Alec Bruttin CH-1206 Genève SWITZERLAND 2015
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Abdo Sarrouf Damascus SYRIA 2003
Honorary Consul General of Iceland Mr Chamnarn Viravan TH-10120 Bangkok THAILAND 1997
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Poul Weber TH-10110 Bangkok THAILAND 1997
Honorary Vice Consul of Iceland Mr C. Marksean Viravan TH-10120 Bangkok THAILAND 2001
Honorary Consul General of Iceland Mr Robert Eduard van Erven Dorens NL-1082 AM Amsterdam THE NETHERLANDS 1973
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Gerard van Klaveren NL-8471 ZP Wolvega THE NETHERLANDS 2003
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Wouter J. P. Jongepier NL-1082 AM Amsterdam THE NETHERLANDS 1998
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Gerard (Gerk) van Eck NL-3000 CW Rotterdam THE NETHERLANDS 2009
Honorary Consul General of Iceland Mr Ferid Abbas TN-2034 Ezzahra, Tunis TUNISIA 1982
Honorary Consul General of Iceland Mr Kazim Münir Hamamcioglu TR-34956 Orhanli-Tuzla / Istanbul TURKEY 1983
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Esat Kardicali TR-35210 Izmir TURKEY 2000
Honorary Consul General of Iceland Mr Yavuz Sélim Sar.i brahimoglu TR-06680 Ankara TURKEY 2009
Honorary Consul General of Iceland Mr Jón Marvin Jónsson Seattle, WA 98107 U.S.A. 1985
Honorary Vice Consul of Iceland Mr Geir Þorbjörn Jónsson Seattle, WA 98107 U.S.A. 2003
Honorary Consul General of Iceland Mr Örn Arnar Minnetrista, MN 55331 U.S.A. 1980
Honorary Consul of Iceland Ms Vigdís A. Taylor Grandview, MO 64030-3317 U.S.A. 1994
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Edward K. Christian Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236 U.S.A. 1996
Honorary Vice Consul of Iceland Mr Eric E. Christian Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236 U.S.A. 2007
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Bjartmar Sveinbjörnsson Anchorage, AK 99508 U.S.A. 1997
Honorary Consul of Iceland Ms Loretta Kay Bernhöft Mountain, ND 58262 U.S.A. 2001
Honorary Consul General of Iceland Mr Sigurjón Sighvatsson Los Angeles, CA 90046 U.S.A. 1984
Honorary Consul of Iceland Ms Ingibjörg María Stefánsdóttir Morrison, CO 80465 U.S.A. 2016
Honorary Consul General of Iceland Mr Robert E. Cartwright, Jr. San Francisco, CA 94111 U.S.A. 1997
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Greg J. Beuerman New Orleans, LA 70130 U.S.A. 1996
Honorary Consul of Iceland Dr Matthías Eggertsson Pompano Beach, FL 33062 U.S.A. 2015
Honorary Vice Consul of Iceland Ms Sesselja S. Seifert Norfolk, VA 23503-4802 U.S.A. 2003
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Kristján Ingvarsson Orlando FL 32822 U.S.A. 2007
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Einar Steinsson Chicago, IL 60611 U.S.A. 2010
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Peter A. Gudmundsson Dallas, TX 75225 U.S.A. 2009
Honorary Vice Consul of Iceland Ms Linda Bragadóttir Los Angeles, CA 90045 U.S.A. 2009
Honorary Consul of Iceland Ms Katrín Sigurðardóttir Eden Prairie, MN 55347 U.S.A. 2018
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Marc D. Glenn Atlanta, GA 30339 U.S.A. 2003
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Michael Ray Dumas Houston, TX 77056 U.S.A. 2019
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Óskar Marinó Jónsson Gilbert, AZ 85233 U.S.A. 2019
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Benjamin Ford Portland, ME 04101-4054 U.S.A. 2020
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Kostyantyn Malovanyy UA-04119 Kyiv UKRAINE 2003
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Clive McKeag CLJ MA Newcastle-upon-Tyne NE3 1HN UNITED KINGDOM 2005
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr J. Anthony Brown Ormskirk, Lancs. L39 6TD UNITED KINGDOM 1984
Honorary Consul of Iceland Ms Kristín Hulda Hannesdóttir Edinburgh EH6 6RB UNITED KINGDOM 2006
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Nigel H. Dace Birmingham B3 2RT UNITED KINGDOM 2005
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Norman Hamilton Glasgow G63 9EX UNITED KINGDOM 1973
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Mark Warburton Hull HU1 1TJ UNITED KINGDOM 2006
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr. Jonathan Goolden Grimsby DN31 2LJ UNITED KINGDOM 2018
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Clive Phillips Aberdeen AB10 6SD UNITED KINGDOM 2013
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Angus Þór Hólm McFarlane Cardiff CF11 9BU UNITED KINGDOM 2003
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr John P.D. Ryeland Dover, Kent CT17 9EF UNITED KINGDOM 2009
Honorary Consul of Iceland Ms Agusta M. Thorarinsdottir Manchester/Prestwick M25 1AJ UNITED KINGDOM 2013
Honorary Consul of Iceland Ms Suzanne Wylie Belfast BT1 5GS UNITED KINGDOM 2019
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Andres Rosendorff CP 11.000 Montevideo URUGUAY 2006
Honorary Vice Consul of Iceland Mr Juan José Frechou CP 11.000 Montevideo URUGUAY 1995
Honorary Consul General of Iceland Mr Karel Z. Bentata Caracas 1061-A VENEZUELA 2004
Honorary Consul of Iceland Ms Le Nu Thuy Duong Ho Chi Minh City 700000 VIETNAM 2015
Honorary Consul of Iceland Ms My Ngoc Nguyen (Sylvia Nguyen) Hanoi VIETNAM 2019
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Alawi Abdalla Kirby Sana'a YEMEN 2004
Honorary Consul of Iceland Mr Jón Örn Guðmundsson Lusaka 10101 ZAMBIA 2018